(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 埃尔弗里德·耶利内克(Elfriede Jelinek 1946一 )是2004年诺贝尔文学奖的取得者,同时也是现代德语文学界最具有争议的女作家。耶利内克的脚本具有激烈推翻认识。她将戏剧创作的原点以寄生物的措施根植于男性经典文本中,重写人们耳熟能详的故事,重塑女性抽象,经由过程情色与暴力的描述表示男权中间主义文明下女性的极端压制与歪曲,推翻父权价值系统中的审雅观念与价值断定,德语论文,表达女性群体的声响。同时,耶利内克以反传统的推翻认识对传统的戏剧款式停止了年夜胆的测验考试,构成了耶利内克式的戏剧语境,使她的脚本“从戏剧脚色的虐政之下束缚出来”,成了“束缚戏剧的宣言”[1]。本文从耶利内克戏剧的推翻认识动手,商量她著作奇特作风构成的思惟渊源一方面,在解构主义的冲击作用下,女性作家的女性身份写作与作为寄主的男性中间主义的破裂;另外一方面,为了不遭到解构主义清除在场中间的威逼,女性作家开端了小我身份写作的包围。本文经由过程对耶利内克所追随的精力摸索的本质的研讨,以到达对作家其文、其人、其思加倍周全而清楚的懂得。 Abstract: Elfried Jelinek (Jelinek Elfriede 1946) is the 2004 Nobel prize for literature, but also the most controversial female writer in the modern German literature. Jelinek's script has a strong understanding of the overthrow. Her drama creation of origin to parasite rooted in men in the classical texts and rewrite the people familiar with the story, reshaping the female image, through the description of the process of pornography and violence said extreme repression and distortion of women under patriarchal center doctrine civilization and overthrow patriarchy price value system of careful thinking and judgment, the expression of women's voices. At the same time, Jelinek to anti traditional overthrow understanding of traditional styles of drama stop the bravery of the eve of the examination, constitute the Jelinek style drama context, make her script "plays the role of tyranny from the bondage of, into the" Declaration of the shackles of drama "[1]. In this paper, by Jelinek dramatic overthrow understanding hands-on, consulting her works constitute a unique style of the ideological origins, on the one hand, under the influence and impact of deconstruction, female writer identity of female writing and as a host of male centralism rupture; on the other hand, in order not to by deconstruction clears the presence in the middle of the bullying, female writers began writing of ego identity. In this paper, the author discusses the essence of Jelinek's spirit to explore, in order to arrive at the author's text, his people, his thought is more comprehensive and clear understanding. 目录: 摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 引言 5-6 第1章 颠覆意识的戏剧文本 6-19 1.1 “寄生写作”与男性中心文化颠覆 6-16 1.1.1 “寄生写作”与男性颠覆 6-12 1.1.2 情色、暴力与女性意识 12-16 1.2 实验性尝试与戏剧形式颠覆 16-19 1.2.1 实验性戏剧尝试:散文剧 16-18 1.2.2 传统戏剧形式的颠覆者 18-19 第2章 决裂与突围:身份写作与解构策略 19-32 2.1 决裂:女性身份写作 20-25 2.2 突围:个人身份写作 25-32 2.2.1 边缘化:女同性恋题材 26-28 2.2.2 民族化:历史、政治的反思 28-32 结语 32-33 注释 33-36 参考文献 36-37 致谢 37-38 |