
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Bernhard. Schlink is a modern German writer, published in 1995, the novel "the reciter" is his most exciting work. "Reading" as the first German novel appeared on "the New York Times bestseller champion and soon became worldwide bestsellers. Shi Lin g with its concise and can not afford to sedate speak tells the story of a shock the literary world with the story, not big space, but includes a so many people thinking of the topic. "Reading" has been translated into Chinese to introduce Chinese, in literary circles, readers circle also caused the great response. This paper to translation equivalence actually, according to the target language readers can not absorb the translator to convey the information to Yao Zhongzhen Qian Dingping the recitation of the "two Chinese versions for reference, from rhetoric, rhetoric vocabulary, sentence patterns and narrative from the perspective of the eve of the four aspects of analysis of its ability to accurately transfer the cultural information of the source language, the author intent. On the rhetorical level, analysis of comparative translation in metaphor, parallelism means disposal; to lexical level, from the diction accuracy and proverbs used comparative analysis; at the sentence level, angle of translation of long sentences tectonic reorganization and relative clauses described. Initially, analysis comparative translation in convey the arguer perspective transformation, direct quotations, starting from the narrative perspective novels quite characteristic of the characteristics. The purpose of this paper is through the process of "reading" two Chinese versions of comparative analysis, on the summary of the descendants of the translation methods and skills, translation of literary works on some experiences and suggestions, and better translation tasks for the next work.


Danksagung   3-4   摘要   4-5   Abstract   5-6   Kapitel 1 Einleitung   9-12   Kapitel 2 übersetzungstheorien   12-19       2.1. (A¨)quivalenz in der übersetzungswissenschaft   12-19           2.1.1. (a¨)quivalenz von Werner Koller   13-14           2.1.2. Arte der ?quivalenz   14-19   Kapitel 3 überblick über den Autor und ,,Der Vorleser“   19-25       3.1. Zum Autor Bernhard Schlink und seinen Werke   19-20       3.2. Inhaltsangabe von ,,Der Vorleser   20-22       3.3. Merkmale von Schlinks Sprache und Stil   22-25   Kapitel 4 Vergleichende Analyse   25-65       4.1. übersetzungsprinzipien der beiden übersetzer   25-27           4.1.1. Yao Zhongzhen und ihre übersetzungsprinzipien   25           4.1.2. Qian Dingping und seine übersetzungsprinzipien   25-27       4.2. Vergleich und Analyse der übersetzungen   27-65           4.2.1. Aspekt der Rhetorik   27-36      Metapher   28-32      Parataxe   32-36           4.2.2. Aspekt des Wortschatzes   36-48      Genauigkeit der Wortauswahl   36-42      Redewendung   42-48           4.2.3. Aspekt der S(a¨)tze   48-55      Lange S(a¨)tze   49-52      Relativs(a¨)tze   52-55           4.2.5. Aspekt der Erz(a¨)hlperspektive .   55-65      Die Theorien der Erz(a¨)hlperspektive   55      Erz(a¨)hlperspektive von ,,Der Vorleser   55-65   Kapitel 5 Schlussfolgerung   65-68   Literaturverzeichnis   68-71   Ver(o¨)ffentlichung   71-73  
