
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Young people in the process of maturity, growth, not only inward to visit the self, but also to explore the world. In this era, individual experience continuously rubbing and conflict, and will suffer from the crisis, suffer from the differences in levels of conflict and suffering. Especially in the turning point of the ancient young people, will be involved in more struggle and upset them. German "teaching novel" (Bildungsroman) is a lively description of the ancient young people in the search for identity and self identity of the hard way to gradually mature process. The "teaching novel" (Bildungsroman) came from Germany in eighteenth Century, not only in the history of German literature constitute a unique literary style, and with the German "teaching" (Bildung) this concept has a close relationship. The Germans taught novels of this strange paper placed in educational research field of vision, to young people gradually into the society's growing experience as a research subject and to the Wilhelm Meister learning years "as a case, highlighting young hero growth pathway" upset "suffer, to discuss the chagrin of instructive, inspire people to better geographical solution and lure the growth of young people. This paper is divided into four chapters: the introduction section describes the performance of the background, and pointed out the root causes of the relationship between teaching and individual growth, and from the perspective of teaching and literature on the research approach made a reasonable argument. The second chapter introduces the concept of teaching and the rise of the concept of civilization, focusing on the analysis of the teaching of the novel stored in the "teaching" (Bildung) the concept of the characteristics. The third chapter is the main body of the Department to teach novel paradigm for the Wilhelm Meister learning years "as a case, analysis of the growth process of Wilhelm Meister, from the protagonist achieved growth the crux of the matter leads to the teaching of enlightenment. In the first chapter, the author selected a novel "Ni Huanzhi", which was used in our country, to remind the teaching situation that the young people should be adopted when they are trying to lure young people into maturity.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   第一章 引言   9-21       第一节 教育成长   9-12       第二节 教育小说中的成长   12-17       第三节 国内外探讨近况略论   17-21   第二章 德国教育小说及其文化土壤   21-30       第一节 教育小说的概念与兴起背景   21-26       第二节 教育小说(Bildungsroman)与教育(Bildung)   26-28       第三节 成长即教育(Bildung)   28-30   第三章 教育小说的经典之作:《威廉·麦斯特的学习年代》   30-47       第一节 《威廉·麦斯特的学习年代》的创作背景   30-32       第二节 威廉·麦斯特的成长历程   32-38       第三节 成长的悖论:接受与抵制   38-43       第四节 烦恼的教育意义:通往成长之路   43-47   第四章 结语   47-56       第一节 我国的教育小说:《倪焕之》   47-51       第二节 威廉和倪焕之的成长之路比较   51-53       第三节 结语: 断裂中的升腾   53-56   参考文献   56-60   后记   60  
