(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 德育治理是黉舍教导的主要构成部门,增强黉舍德育治理任务,能充足调动德育任务者的积极性,施展他们的客观能动性和发明性。只要明白了本身的任务目的和实在可行的任务步调,明白了本身的任务义务及应采用的办法,能力更好的进步德育治理任务程度。增强黉舍德育治理任务,有益于构成优越校风。校风是黉舍全部成员的风格,包含引导的风格、教员的教风和先生的学风,是黉舍成员在思惟、进修、任务、生涯上表示出来的立场与行动的总和。固然乌海六中德育治理任务获得了很年夜的造诣,治理者的全体本质有了较年夜进步,治理机制日益完美,然则,治理中依然存在着很多弗成疏忽的成绩。如人才造就机制的缺掉,德育治理部队的不健全等,这些成绩的存在,严重作用着德育治理任务的成长,成为制约乌海六中成长的瓶颈。乌海六中德育治理任务存在的成绩是多方面的,重要有先生行动习气较差,治理者的本质不高,治理办法不到位等。为了进一步进步乌海六中德育治理任务,一要周全掌握乌海六中先生情形,制订实在可行的德育治理目的,构成黉舍德育治理任务的协力,制订黉舍德育治理任务的详细办法。 Abstract: Moral Governance is the main part of school education, and strengthen the school moral education management tasks, can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the moral mission, to display their objective initiative and creativity. As long as the understanding of their own tasks and practical tasks, to understand the task of their own obligations and should be adopted, the ability to better progress in the task of moral governance. To enhance the school moral education management tasks, beneficial to form good school spirit. School spirit is the schools are members of the style, style guide that contains style, teacher's teaching style, and Mr. is schools members in thinking, learning, task, career said that out of position and action of the sum. Although Wuhai six moral education governance task has been a great success, the whole essence of governance has made greater progress, governance mechanism is increasingly perfect, however, there is still a lot of governance in the neglect of the results. Such as the lack of talent training mechanism, the lack of moral education governance, such as the existence of these achievements, a serious impact on the growth of governance tasks of moral education, becoming a bottleneck restricting the growth of six in Wuhai. The achievements of Wuhai six in the management of moral education are many aspects, important and have bad habits, the essence is not high, governance measures are not in place, and so on. In order to further progress in Wuhai six in moral education governance task, a comprehensive grasp of Wuhai No.6 in Mr. situation, formulate practical and feasible moral education governance, constitute schools moral education governance task cooperation, formulate the school happen the detailed measures of task of moral education governance. 目录: 中文摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 引言 6-8 (一) 德育管理的探讨意义 6 (二) 德育管理国内外探讨近况 6-7 (三) 德育管理探讨思路与措施 7 (四) 创新与不足 7-8 一、乌海六中德育管理工作存在的问题 8-10 (一) 学生行为习惯较差 8 (二) 德育管理队伍整体素质不高 8-9 (三) 德育管理部门管理不到位 9-10 二、乌海六中德育管理中存在问题的成因略论 10-12 (一) 学生生源较差 10-11 (二) 德育管理队伍不稳定 11-12 (三) 德育管理部门制定的方法不完善 12 三、提高乌海市六中德育管理工作水平的方法 12-27 (一) 全面把握乌海六中学生情况 12-13 (二) 制定切实可行德育管理目标 13-18 (三) 学校德育管理工作的合力 18-21 (四) 做好学校德育管理工作的具体方法 21-27 结语 27-28 参考文献 28-29 致谢 29 |