
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



After we had the consequences of moral education. I think, this is a lack of understanding of the moral education task, and there is a wide content over the sky, there is no way to a single and other reasons. But the more important is the lack of understanding of the students, caring, love, respect and encouragement. This article from the actual situation, the introduction of the concept of appreciation education, the idea of moral education to stop some thinking, in the view of the current situation of rural senior high school moral education in the current situation of the analysis of the moral education in rural areas, how to apply to appreciate the effectiveness of moral education and moral education. The full text is divided into four major departments: introduction, this section from the results of the proposed, research review, research significance, research methods one one stop interpretation. In rural senior high school moral education, the practical significance of appreciating and teaching, regardless from the teaching method of moral education in the form of teaching ideas and even all the teaching form, there is no compliance with the actual situation, that is not from the reality, the lack of guidance and effectiveness of teaching, it is difficult to play its role in the future of the moral education should have the leading role. The first chapter, an overview of the teaching of appreciation. Above all, the concept of teaching practice and appreciation is put forward, and the inner end of the teaching is summarized, and the point of view is put forward. That appreciation teaching is positive, encouragement and positive evaluation on moral education in the process of teaching of educated leader, is the task of moral education in a superior education idea and method. And that the appreciation of the teaching should be set up in the teaching of learning, psychology, the actual basic. To think that appreciation of the teachings is a complete process of encouragement, which is composed of three independent and interdependent stages. The second chapter. It is pointed out that after rural high school moral education in appreciate measures are important achievements. After that the rural high school appreciate the teachings of important achievements have: 1, appreciate not really interstate; 2, a handsome cover 100 ugly, we in teaching process should pay attention to the recognition method, not grams less than unilateral narrowing Mr. strengths and PI perverted the premises must cannot even. 3, the appreciation is not real time, instant appreciation, will be the most useful teaching. Appreciate again, it will be the emergence of chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival, response to recession. 4, exactly the same appreciation, a strange sentence recognition, to never get admiration for Mr. poor students can be valuable delicious dishes, in praise in the sound of the Magna Cum Laude is no ripples in the lake lost needle. 5, appreciated in the match, Mr. will evaluation to set in and others in contrast, once the invention itself stronger than others, the heart is not convincing, gas bearing small, not modesty to learn from others, easily being jealous of others, it is difficult to set up healthy and harmonious relations. In the third chapter, the reasons for the appreciation of the moral education in rural areas and the reasons for the improvement of the reform methods are discussed. Thought is an important reason for the three: is influenced by traditional education thought "strict teacher gaotu" seriously affected; the second is severely constrained by exam oriented education; the third is Department of guidance is not control appreciation teaching way. For the reason, four improved methods for the reform of moral education in rural senior high schools are proposed. Is to change the "strict teacher gaotu" traditional education thought; in essence teach in increasing the appreciation teaching; appreciation teaching method exploration; advancement of rural high school teacher to stop appreciation teaching skills. The initial summary: proposed appreciation moral education have to do the article, the rural high school students enjoy teaching the achievements of the research will need me in future missions theory and the learning process continuously explore and perfect. In the future, I will continue to try to learn and explore.

