(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,德语论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 教导的终究目标是增进青少年的身心周全安康的成长。而在人的身心中,思惟品格是魂魄,是人们一切言行的指点。现今时期,品德的滑坡、情况认识的淡漠、迷信精力的日渐穷困、人与人、人与社会及人与天然关系的掉调,无不提示年夜家,增强黉舍德育任务迫在眉睫,应当看重学科德育任务。任何一门学科的课程内容及教授教养进程都蕴涵有丰硕的德育功效,信息技巧作为一门新兴学科,是一把“双刃剑”,它在增进先生自立进修、周全成长的同时,也带来了诸如侵占常识产权、“网上算命”、“星座奇缘”等一系列品德成绩,本文深刻发掘信息技巧教授教养所具有的得天独厚的德育优势,在高中信息技巧教授教养与德育渗入渗出联合方面做了一些摸索,愿望能对信息技巧教授教养德育理论具有参考价值。论文起首说明选题配景,剖析国际外该成绩的研究现状,确立研究目的、意义和研究办法;其次经由过程对高中信息技巧教员及先生德育现状的查询拜访剖析,得出结论与启发;接着针对这些结论与启发,对几个相干概念停止界定,对高中信息技巧学科实行德育渗入渗出停止实际剖析、德育渗入渗出作用身分剖析及高中生特点剖析;然后联合信息技巧学科特色,对信息技巧学科德育的有用实行停止了积极的摸索,并制订了响应的教授教养战略:最初,运用信息技巧停止教授教养理论对教授教养战略加以理论和磨练,并经由过程对教员的访谈和对先生的问卷查询拜访,对教授教养战略的理论后果停止阶段性评价,总结运用教授教养战略对先生德育渗入渗出发生的作用。论文经由过程理论研究证明了教授教养战略对高中信息技巧德育渗入渗出的有用性。另外,组合、改良适当的教授教养战略或开辟特性化的教授教养战略,并深刻地停止个案研究也是往后应该侧重尽力的偏向。 Abstract: The goal of teaching is to promote the growth of young people in Ankang. And in the human body and mind, thought character is the soul of people, words and deeds show. The present era, moral landslide, understanding of indifference, energy science increasingly poor, people and people, people and society, people and natural relation of maladjusted, invariably prompt big, enhanced schools moral education task imminent shall value subject moral education task. Any subject of curriculum content and teaching process embodies rich moral education efficacy and information technology as a new subject, is a "double-edged sword", it in enhancing Mr. independent learning, comprehensive development and, at the same time, it also brings such as the occupation of intellectual property rights, "online fortune telling", "constellation Romance" and so on a series of moral problems, this paper deeply explore the information technology teaching has the unique moral superiority, in the high school information technology teaching and moral education infiltration effusion combined do find some hope to have reference value for information technology teaching moral education theory. The paper first explains the research background, research status analysis of the performance of international, established a research purpose, significance and research methods; secondly, through to the information inquiry skills of high school teachers and the moral status of the process of visiting Mr. analysis, draw conclusions and inspiration; then according to the conclusion and Inspiration of several related concepts to define, for the senior high school the infiltration of moral disciplines of information technology is analyzed in theory of moral education, infiltration of the impact analysis and characteristics of high school students; and then combined with the subject characteristics of information skills, information skills useful to stop the implementation of moral education actively explore, and make the response of the teaching strategy: first, the application of information theory to the theory of teaching skills and discipline of teaching strategy, and through the interview to the teachers and the Sir questionnaire, to teach The theoretical consequences of the strategy of raising the stage of evaluation, summed up the application of the teaching strategy of the moral infiltration of the impact of moral education. The paper proves the usefulness of the teaching strategy of the teaching strategy to the infiltration of the high school information technology through the process of theoretical research. In addition, the combination of the appropriate teaching strategies to improve the teaching or development of the characteristics of the teaching strategy, and a profound study of the case study is also the future should focus on the bias. 目录: |