
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



As a response to the "women's issues", women "s policy of the Nazi authorities from the level of a reaction Nazism itself social philosophy, formed the important component of the social policy, also formed the controversial results. The through explore the composition of the Nazi women concept, assessment of women in family, career and wartime role set, thus the Nazi authorities women's policy and the Nazi Germany era women career state to be weighed and consideration. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the main body of the Department is divided into four chapters. The first chapter consists of an important assessment of the Nazi women concept. Some new changes have been made in the social position and career status of German women in the Republic of Weimar. But at the same time, "women's performance" has become the core of social conflict. According to the "women highlighted achievements", put forward a set of Nazism itself actual women. And the actual composition also has its social background and ideological origin. The second chapter of the Nazi authorities set the German women's family role. In accordance with Nazism on gender space division, in Nazi Germany era mother and wife role beyond the private properties, into the women's public duty. The Nazi authorities surrounded by women's family role, proposed expansion of the propaganda offensive, to improve the social status of the mother, and along with the implementation of a series of policies and regulations, to the eve of the protection of the mother and the lure of women in family. However, although the Nazi authorities put a considerable spirit, but actually does not bear fruit. The third chapter of the Nazi authorities of German women occupation character set. In accordance with the Nazi women actually, women are the most important role is to become a wife and a mother, so the Nazi authorities actually do not support women out of unemployment. Thus in the early days, the Nazi authorities in the economic crisis as the background, proposed the "women's home" activities. But the move does not stop women from the general trend of unemployment. On the contrary, because of the division of the space between two sexes, many women have made more chances in the Nazi era. The fourth chapter of the Nazi authorities set the wartime role of the German women. In the era of fighting, the Nazi authorities were compelled by the situation and could not be adjusted to the relevant policy of women. But its women actually did not produce big changes. "Mother" is still the important role of women, and was further generalized, deftly derived new functions. With plain near family benefits, develop the courage to sacrifice "maternal energy, become wartime Nazi authorities on women stop launched the slogan. But because of the slow adjustment of the slow, and the coherent policy out of the war era, the German women have not been enough to start up. "Women's performance" is a difficult to avoid the industrial society, it is not only involved in the women's own coherent benefits, but also touches the family, all aspects of society. As a social activity, puts forward the treatment plan of Nazism itself. This is a kind of contrary to the main theme of the response, is also destined to its final, but it is deep.

