
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Matthew Arnold is an influential nineteenth Century British poet, critic and educator. In his 35 years in the first career, he actively involved in the teaching reform of the United Kingdom, attention to the country in the teaching of the growth of the position and influence, and its national interference in teaching thinking of the reform of the teaching of the United Kingdom had a profound impact. Matthew Arnold's state intervention education thought is to teach the continental countries and Britain taught comparative study of basically composed of, contains important content: 1, on the national prestige: medium containing his criticism on the liberalization, the British international social status analysis, and he of the country regime be familiar with; 2, the country interference actual teachings: emphasize the country held the main teachings of, advocates the establishment of contained the initial, middle and higher education, connected to each citizen education system; 3, state intervention teaching opportunities: it is pointed out that through legislation and administrative means is useful to teach to stop interference. This paper, through the process of Matthew Arnold's national intervention theory of the background, the theory of basic, practical and important content of comprehensive exposition, summed up the characteristics and influence of the country to interfere with the teaching thought, so that we can better understand and master the spirit of Matthew Arno's interference in Germany and the growth state of the United Kingdom in nineteenth Century.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   前言   9-13   第一章 马修·阿诺德的生平及教育活动   13-17       第一节 从普通学生到著名诗人   13-14       第二节 从诗人到批评家   14-15       第三节 从批评家到教育   15-17   第二章 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想产生的因素   17-29       第一节 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想产生的社会背景   17-20           一、英国国内的社会状况   17-19           二、欧洲大陆民族主义的兴起   19-20       第二节 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想产生的实践基础   20-26           一、法国国家干预教育的状况   20-22           二、德国国家干预教育的状况   22-23           三、英国国家干预教育的状况   23-26       第三节 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想产生的理论基础   26-29           一、对伯克国家观的赞扬   26-27           二、对布莱特个人自由思想的批评   27           三、对托马斯·阿诺德国家干预教育思想的继承   27-29   第三章 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想的内容与特点   29-42       第一节 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想的主要内容   29-39           一、论国家的权威   29-31           二、国家干预教育理论   31-34           三、论国家干预教育的途径   34-39       第二节 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想的特点   39-42           一、借鉴性   39-40           二、批判性   40           三、抽象性   40-42   第四章 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想的贡献与局限   42-46       第一节 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想的贡献   42-44           一、促进了英国教育的国家化   42           二、丰富了英国国民教育理论   42-43           三、加速了英国教育行政管理体制的建立   43           四、促进了《1870年初等教育法》的形成   43-44       第二节 马修·阿诺德国家干预教育思想的局限   44-46   参考文献   46-48   致谢   48  
