
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

Abbreviations   9-10   Abstract   10-12   摘要   13-15   Introduction   15-18       1. Background of the Research   15       2. Theoretical Framework of the Thesis   15-16       3. Significance of the Thesis   16-17       4. Structure of the Thesis   17-18   Chapter One Literature Review   18-22       1.1 Previous Study on Advertising Translation   18-20           1.1.1 Previous Study on Advertising Translation Abroad   18-19           1.1.2 Previous Study on Advertising Translation in China   19-20       1.2 Present Situation of Advertising Translation   20-22   Chapter Two German Functionalist Approaches   22-34       2.1 Historical Background of German Functionalist Approaches   22-25           2.1.1 Origin of Functionalist Approaches   22-23           2.1.2 Development of Functionalist Approaches   23-25       2.2 Representatives of Functionalist Approaches and Their Main Theories   25-30           2.2.1 Katharina Reiss's Text Typology   25-26           2.2.2 Hans J.Vermeer's Skopos Theory   26-27           2.2.3 Justa Holz-M(a|¨)ntt(a|¨)ri's Theory of Translational Action   27-28           2.2.4 Christiane Nord's Function plus Loyalty   28-30       2.3 Core Concepts of Functionalist Approaches   30-31       2.4 Enlightenment of Functionalist Approaches in Advertising Translation   31-34           2.4.1 Importance of Translators in Translation   31-32           2.4.2 Emphasis on the Role of Target Receiver   32-33           2.4.3 Flexible Choice of Translation Strategies   33-34   Chapter Three A Brief Introduction to Advertisements   34-53       3.1 General Description of Advertisement   34-39           3.1.1 Definition of Advertisement   34-35           3.1.2 Classification of Advertisement   35-36           3.1.3 Functions of Advertisement   36-38           3.1.4 Elements of Advertisement   38-39      Headline   38      Body Copy   38-39      Identification Marks   39       3.2 Characteristics of English and Chinese Advertisements   39-53           3.2.1 Linguistic Features   39-48      Lexical Features   40-42      syntactic Features   42-44      Rhetorical Features   44-48           3.2.2 Cultural Features   48-53   Chapter Four Principles and Suggested Strategies for Advertising Translation   53-69       4.1 Principles for Advertising Translation   53-55           4.1.1 Skopos Rule as the Essential Principle   53-54           4.1.2 Coherence Rule and Fidelity Rule as Subordinate Principle   54-55       4.2 Suggested strategies for Advertising translation   55-69           4.2.1 Literal Translation   55-57           4.2.2 Free Translation   57-59           4.2.3 Addition   59-62           4.2.4 Recreation   62-63           4.2.5 Condensation   63-65           4.2.6 Adaptation   65-66           4.2.7 Imitation   66-69   Conclusion   69-72   Bibliography   72-75   Acknowledgements   75-76   Published Works   76-77   学位论文评阅及答辩情况表   77  
