(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 巴赫是音乐界的魂魄,是一个时期的坐标。经由过程对巴赫及其著作的研究,可以更深刻的懂得巴赫和巴洛克时期的特色。因为巴赫生涯的年月离我们曾经长远,是以许多同仁都对他的著作觉得生疏,乃至茫然。巴赫外向的性情也使得其著作充斥深邃的摸索,是以对其著作的懂得也千差万别。巴赫于1726一1731年间创作的古钢琴著作《帕蒂塔》(德国组曲),共六首。这部著作是巴赫生前独一出书的组曲,德语论文,是作为他的第一部门键盘演习出书的,是巴赫的著作的第一号。本文经由过程对巴赫《六首帕蒂塔》吹奏作风的研究,对每一个小舞曲的谱例剖析;以此来映照巴赫著作的吹奏纪律与办法;就其基本而言是对巴赫文明的传承。论文中扼要的引见了巴赫生平及其键盘著作,在说明了组曲中各个舞曲题目的性情特色的同时,重点强调了第三章中每一个组曲的技巧及作风特色,和若何吹奏这些组曲。巴赫钢琴著作的研究与教授教养吹奏方面的摸索对于宽大音乐喜好者特殊是钢琴进修者来讲具有很强的应用价值。经由过程这方面的研究可使钢琴进修者进步本身的心坎听觉认识,进步对复调音乐的懂得性,对《六首帕蒂塔》的进修又多了一份可托赖的参考材料,使得进修者们更周全的懂得巴赫键盘著作的技能特色,并学会若何吹奏巴赫的键盘著作。本文运用文献浏览法、经历总结法、实例剖析法、学术研究法,德语论文范文,经由过程对《六首帕蒂塔》的吹奏剖析来完美巴赫音乐在文献上的缺乏。经由过程对巴洛克音乐的懂得来体系的研究巴赫著作;经由过程体系的剖析巴赫的《六首帕蒂塔》来丰硕巴赫文明;经由过程巴赫文明的进修和继续来熟悉巴洛克音乐。音乐无尽头、音乐无国界、音乐无利害;享用音乐,酷爱音乐,为巴赫的光辉喝采,为音乐中的巴赫而骄傲,经由过程进修音乐赓续的丰硕本身,巴赫为我指清楚明了进修音乐的途径。 Abstract: Bach is the music of the soul, is a period of coordinates. Through the process of the study of Bach and his works, can be more profound understanding of the characteristics of Bach and Baroque period. Because Bach career years from our long-term, is a lot of my colleagues are unfamiliar to his works, and even at a loss. Bach's outgoing temperament also makes his works full of deep exploration, is to understand the work of their different ways. Bach in 1726 to 1731 between the creation of ancient piano works "Partita" (Germany, a total of Six Suites). This novel is alive only book Bach suite, as his first keyboard exercise book, is number one on the works of Bach. The via the process of Bach's "six Partitas" playing style of research, analysis of the transcriptions of each a small dance; in order to mapping the works of Bach playing discipline and methods; the basically is to Bach civilization heritage. In this paper a brief introduction of Bach's life and works for keyboard in the description of the suite in various dance subject personality at the same time, with emphasis on the chapter three per a suite of techniques and style characteristics, and how to playing the suite. The research of Bach's piano works and the exploration of the teaching performance of the piano are of great value to the piano learners. Through the process of this research can be the piano learning progress itself the heart of auditory understanding, progress of polyphony music know, study of the six Partitas, a reliable reference materials, make learners more comprehensive understand Bach's keyboard works characteristic skills and learn how to playing Bach's keyboard works. In this paper the application of literature browsing method, experience summary method, case analysis method, the academic research method, through the playing of the first six Partitas analysis to perfect Bach's music in the literature is lacking. Through the process of Baroque music know system research of Bach. Through the system analysis of Bach's six Partitas, plentiful Bach civilization; by Bach civilization in the process of learning and continue to become familiar with the Baroque music. There is no end to the music, music has no boundaries, disinterested music; enjoy music, play music, cheer for the glory of Bach. As the music of Bach proud, through the process of learning music continuously abound oneself, Bach I refers to the way clear to study music. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 引言 7-9 一 简介巴赫及其键盘著作 9-12 (一) 巴赫简介 9-10 (二) 巴赫著作编号的来源及其著作类别编号 10 (三) 巴赫的键盘著作简介 10-12 二 简析巴赫《六首帕蒂塔》组曲中各个舞曲小标题的特点 12-16 三《六首帕蒂塔》(德国组曲)的演奏略论 16-44 (一) PARTITA 1 B-Dur/Bb maior BWV825 16-20 (二) PARTITA 2 c-Moll/C minor BWV826 20-25 (三) PARTITA3 a-Moll/A minor BWV827 25-30 (四) PARTITA4 D-Dur/D major BWV828 30-35 (五) PARTITA5 G-Dur/G major BWV829 35-39 (六) PARTITA6 e-Moll/E minor BWV830 39-44 四 简析《帕蒂塔》中装饰音的弹奏措施 44-47 (一) 装饰音的定义 44 (二) 《六首帕蒂塔》中所包含的装饰音及其弹奏措施 44-47 五 演奏巴赫著作的基本准则 47-50 (一) 复调性 47 (二) 装饰性 47-48 (三) 断连性 48-49 (四) 即兴性 49 (五) 歌唱性 49-50 结论 50-51 参考文献 51-53 后记 53 |