
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



This article intends to teach from Germany to begin, to remind the relationship between the German teaching transformation and the late ancient. The article is divided into three departments to explain. The first part of the article is to elaborate on the teaching reform in Germany before the same. Beginning in sixteenth Century, the teachings and religions are gradually the basic. In 1807, the treaties of tilsit directly inspired the ancient transformation of Germany, Humboldt's education reform is one of the main sector. Humboldt's transformation from the basic teachings of hands-on, covers secondary education and higher education, set up with German characteristics of the education system. 1815 later, Germany's teachings of the ancient way of the twists and turns, but still have an extraordinary attainments. The second sector is an important analysis of the teaching reform in Germany after the same. This stage of primary and secondary education reform, in particular, the secondary vocational education and senior teaching to obtain a glorious achievement. This era, German teaching and modern construction cheek by jowl is approached, the Germans taught growth that Germany's economic power and comprehensive national strength has been the rapid development. The third sector, the important debate is the victory of the German teaching reform experience. German teaching reform is the most important experience is government action, social strength of running a school, value of natural sciences research, pay attention to the University in the leading role in the process of modernization.


中文摘要   2-3   英文摘要   3   引言   5-7   一 德国统一前的教育改革(1807-1870)   7-21       (一) 初期教育改革:教育和宗教的逐步分离   7-9       (二) 提尔西特和约与洪堡教育改革   9-12       (三) 中等教育的改革   12-15       (四) 高等教育的改革   15-18       (五) 教育现代化过程中的挫折   18-21   二 德国统一后的教育改革   21-30       (一) 初等学校的教育改革   21-22       (二) 中等教育的变化   22-25       (三) 职业技术教育的兴起和发展   25-26       (四) 高等教育的变革   26-30   三 德国教育改革的成功经验--教育改革与现代化进程的良性互动   30-36       (一) 政府的主导影响   33       (二) 社会力量积极参与办学   33-34       (三) 重视自然科学探讨和科技成果转化   34       (四) 注重大学在现代化过程中的先导影响   34-36   结语   36-38   注释   38-40   参考书目   40-41   附录   41  
