
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



After the outbreak of World War II, the United States began to plan the resolution plan to deal with how to deal with after the defeat of germany. But in the process of formulating the policy, the United States is not serious outside the u.s.. With President Roosevelt and the finance ministry officials to form a strict idea of a large German, and with the Secretary of the army Henry Stimson and the State Department officials constitute the idea of tolerance for Germany to adopt a policy of peace. To this end, both sides argue. Roosevelt out of the war with Germany to a need and the post-war United States to guide the blueprint of the world are inseparable from the Soviet support deliberate, on the internal pressure tolerant pie, foreign trap British pressure, the idea of de by strict disciplinary measures in order to buy the Soviet Union. However, with the end of World War II and the death of Roosevelt, the United States and Soviet Union in the basic no longer exist. The two days between the deep-rooted distrust of and care about general shape and geopolitical benefits great difference and conflict, resulting in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union gradually improved and eventually lead to infighting muster. Along with the drastic changes in the postwar international situation, American policymakers think, postwar America's biggest enemy is Soviet Union and non German, so must decreases for the resurgence of Germany, by the German effort to contain the Soviet Union. The United States adjust policy to Germany hurt the Soviet Union benefits, caused the intense dissatisfaction of the Soviet Union and the sharp opposition. During the cold war, the United States and the Soviet Union on the geopolitical advantage's bid to become the most basic characteristic of infighting, and located in the middle of Europe has the important strategic position of Germany has become the core of the United States and the Soviet Union to fight. In the early stage of infighting, the United States and the Soviet Union pursues an "zero" policy, in Germany is also no exception, eventually leading to Germany was break.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   7-11       一 盟国处置德国的政策   7-8       二 德国分裂的原因   8-10       三 “德国问题”的相关专著论述   10-11   第一章、战时美国对处置德国的构想   11-20       一、战时美国对外主要战略目标   11-12       二、美国决策层在处置德国问题上的分歧   12-17       三、美国在处置德国问题上与盟国的共识与主要分歧   17-20   第二章、战后美国对德国的政策   20-51       一、美国的战略目标和设想   20-24           (一) 复兴德国以遏制苏联   20-22           (二) 经济上统一德国并纳入西方阵营   22-24       二、美国对西占区的改造   24-38           (一) 非纳粹化   24-29           (二) 非工业化   29-30           (三) 成立政党组织   30-33           (四) 合并西占区   33-36           (五) 实行币制改革   36-38       三、美苏在处置德国上的主要分歧   38-51           (一) 赔偿问题   38-44           (二) 第一次柏林危机   44-47           (三) 德国的最终分裂   47-51   第三章、结论   51-57       一、德国分裂的原因   51-54       二、对德国分裂的历史反思   54-57   参考文献   57-62   后记   62  
