
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Along with the people's Republic of China anti monopoly law "failure of coherent French results of the research are becoming increasingly urgent, described in this paper is in the enterprise merge censorship in relevant institutions to how the French rail system to deal with the closing of the merger should be. Operators focus review and merger control separation is the Chinese People Republic of China antimonopoly law "on the rail of and I quintessence who told Germany's anti limiting competition law" should be the absolute orbit of the traditional terms. In Germany, a merger if occurred may strengthen the market arrangement position will is the Federal Cartel Office to be stopped, if a merge once implemented, compliance with the stop condition and did not get the special permission from the Federal Minister of economics and rest, the Federal Cartel Office will command the closing merge need to approach, in order to remove the restriction of competition. However if a the the stop of the enterprise merge conform to certain public benefits, for instance, improvement of the competitive premise, the Federal Cartel Office can not by check the merge, perhaps being to stop the Federal Cartel Office after Federal Minister of economics to make the special permission from the minister. In this framework, the German "anti - limiting competition law" in the merger and closing of enterprises have formed a comprehensive system, comprehensive procedures delineated. ? first of all, this article discuss the German companies merge master track of merging closing French and differences of merging of closing French made a meticulous and in-depth analysis. China's "anti-monopoly law" also affirmed the centralized review of the rail system for operators, having a may be able to eliminate, limit competitive consequence operators focus should be made to stop the resolution and delimit if operators focus line must be public benefits of anti monopoly law enforcement agencies can not stop. At the same time in forty-eighth in the implementation of the law of the law and the implementation of the sanctions, but the system is still very weak, but the utility is still to be improved. The after the rail of the introduction of German coherent, expounds the Chinese operators focus on reviewing the rail system defined, and by German enterprises merge master rail system as the basis, put forward in the clearing of competition restrictions and anti-monopoly law enforcement agencies, professional setting inspired by our country. Through the analysis of the process, the paper first come to the conclusion that our country should set up the German anti-monopoly legal institutions, perfect legal system, constitute the same, efficient and authoritative antitrust agencies. System. In future legal process should own German relevant legislation experience in our operators focus of censorship should be refined French rules, the perfect response to the sanctions measures and judicial procedures to ensure that measures.

