
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



After the end of the Second World War in 1945, Germany was fighting devastated, citizen economy sinks at the edge of collapse, territorial fragmentation, social order messy, national career bitter winless word. In 1948, the implementation of the reform of the monetary reform, the social market economy in the form of the beginning of the implementation of the. It quick heal the Second World War to Germany to form the serious injury to German economy agile processes, 1950 Federal German citizens are parturient gross Nianye about 233. 400 million dollars, equivalent to the total output value of 8 when the citizens of the United states. 2%, 1994 civic virtues give birth gross arrived 26810 marks, almost equal to the British and Italian and citizens of the two countries and the total output value and. Germany 2017 the GDP reached 23027 billion euros, in the flourishing nation, the German economy following the United States and Japan later, ranking third in the world. The form of social market economy is a kind of market economy which is thought by people and is a kind of victory, and it has been more and more concerned. China from the reform and opening up in 1978 in the future slowly on the road to market economy, profound analysis of Germany's social market economy form the fundamental indecent point and operating characteristics, that our country builds a harmonious socialist society, perfect socialist market economic system, the supply of the main practical guidance and theoretical basis. This article is divided into five major departments. The first part focuses on the analysis of the actual origin of the idea of social market economy in germany. German social market economy is a variety of practical integrated products, the new German liberal, socialist reality, Christian doctrine is an important ideological and practical origin of social market economy. The second section discusses the basic practical point of the German social market economy form. This is indecent of Germany's social market economy in the form of public ownership of production materials, free competition, the authorities of the infinite interference and social security. Medium, the authorities of infinite interference concept is the obvious characteristic of Germany's social market economy form, it is different in "the capitalist market economy" also different to "socialist central planning economy" is to is also known as the third way. The third section has discussed the features of the operation of the German social market economy, and expounds some policies and measures adopted in the operation of the social market economy. The fourth sector to the country's micro economic regulation as an important clue, from the vertical opening of the German social market economy in the form of growth stage and the economic attainments in each stage. The fifth section focuses on the German social market economy in the form of a state of my own dispute, and come to a conclusion. Put forward the German social market economy form of China to build a socialist harmonious society, the perfect socialist market economy system of some of their own and inspiration. The form of social market economy is not only an economic policy but also a social policy. From the perspective of building a socialist harmonious society in China, this paper analyzes the differences of the German social market economy form in the past. This paper focuses on the German social market economy, the form of social obligations to China inspired, through own victory in Germany experience dealing with the growth of our country's current economic difficulties, such as the gap between rich and poor performance, fairness and efficiency of the relationship, social coordination results etc..

