
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Berlin has a great influence on the form of education in Germany. This paper introduces the sources, basic structure, contents and characteristics, and from the form type, structural identity, the identity between interdependent form, use, plan view, the teachers with the guidance of the effect made a detailed analysis. Berlin form the effect of teaching four resolutions in the field of identity and two premise field identity: the teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods, teaching preface, the human mind learn preconditions and social and cultural conditions in recent years in the international promotion of Chinese big situation, the growth of Germany's Chinese teaching is becoming more and more agile, all forms of Chinese teaching form diverse, in Germany set off a climax of learning Chinese. The German Chinese teaching form and the status quo of research need to be very, through the deep meticulous to query the visit discussion can further promote Chinese teaching in Germany's growth. Since the above century 60 years in Europe especially Germany education sector has great influence on the "Berlin form" is based on the actual, from the German Chinese actual basic, curriculum and other point of view to discuss the German foreign language development thoughts.


致谢   4-5   摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   目次   7-9   1 引言   9-12   2 柏林教学模式   12-23       2.1 柏林教学模式产生的历史背景   12-13       2.2 柏林教学论模式的主要观点   13-17           2.2.1 柏林教学论模式的理论构想与目的   13-14           2.2.2 柏林模式的因素略论   14-17       2.3 柏林模式的再发展   17-21           2.3.1 汉堡教学论模式   17-20           2.3.2 佩特森关于柏林模式的补充   20-21       2.4 柏林模式的作用与评价   21-23   3 对外汉语教学理论与教学设计介绍   23-26   4 德国汉语教学的近况与发展   26-32       4.1 传统大学汉学系   27-28       4.2 德国中小学汉语课程   28-29       4.3 德国孔子学院汉语教学   29-30       4.4 德国汉语教学存在的问题   30-32   5 柏林模式在德国汉语教学中的运用--以德国巴伐利亚米尔滕贝克市高级文理中学为例   32-44       5.1 柏林模式应用于德国汉语教学中的可行性   32-33       5.2 柏林模式在德国巴伐利亚米尔滕贝克市高级文理中学汉语教学中的实际应用   33-41           5.2.1 米尔滕贝克市高级文理中学汉语课程的条件范畴因素   33-36           5.2.2 米尔滕贝克市高级文理中学汉语课程的决定范畴因素   36-41       5.3 在柏林模式下的汉语教学实例   41-44   6 结论   44-45   参考文献   45-48   作者简历   48  
