
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



After World War II, the international community have emerged in Vietnam, Germany, Korea and other countries to break. One, Vietnam, Germany, separated by force, the war in the form of the country to complete the same. Why can the two countries be able to do the same? Why do the two countries adopt the same form of disagreement? The author thought that break the country with a and its selection of form is not "action orientation" single growth logic, but "structural approach" comprehensive synergistic results. This paper test to complex right structure perspective, through the process of Vietnam's and Germany's comparison research, demonstration, "influence of complex right structure break country with a form of choice", this is a practical assumption. Composite structure of the right is a comprehensive system of multi-dimensional strength. The lateral including hard power and soft power construction of two of the eve of the within longitudinal national, regional and global power structure in the three level, can be refined as the nation - hard right structure, country - soft power structure, domain - hard right structure, region - soft power structure, global hard right structure, global soft power structure six content. The same war in Vietnam, the war in Germany with the "composite structure of the right structure" intimate. At the national level, both countries - hard right structure separation performance for North and South Vietnam, instrument of Germany's "political and military relations between North and South Vietnam political and military confrontation, North more force leading political and military same; instruments of German political and military tensions, West Germany war leading political and military with a. Both countries - right soft tectonic separation performance for North and South Vietnam, instrument of Germany's "economic and social" relationship between North and South Vietnam's economic and social unity, North more force leading economic society the same; equipment Germany's economic and social integration, West war as the dominant economic and social identity. At the regional level, Vietnam and Germany's regional hard power structures separation performance for "regional big country" status in China, France, China and South Vietnam in the friendly condition, China allowed North Vietnamese force leading the same; tensions between France and the instrument of Germany, French acquiescence West German war leading the same. Hobbesian culture outside the region of both - soft power structure separation as to ASEAN, the European Community for the characteristics of "regionalism" in North and South Vietnam were in ASEAN, regional situation; West Germany in the European community within, regional situation appear Locke "s culture. At the global level, Vietnam and Germany global hard right structure showed for the United States and the Soviet Union, the north and south poles of "very" weak beauty Suppe, John, the United States from Southeast Asia to implement strategic retreat; Su weak meiqiang, the Soviet Union from Eastern Europe to implement strategic retreat. Both the global soft power structure is on the relationship between socialism and capitalism camp for characteristics of the "knowledge shape" the compression from South Vietnam, the United States and the Soviet Union acquiescence North Vietnamese force leading the same; the Soviet Union from the East compression, the United States and the Soviet Union acquiescence West German war leading the same. Through the process of Vietnamese, German comparative study can be attributed to a country with a score of homogeneity and heterogeneity of rights to the compound structural break. Medium and break the country to complete the country with a "homogeneous composite right structure" is closely related to (1) at the national level, countries - a hard right structure said external leading political and military with a process; land right soft structure performance for external leading economic society the same process. (2) at the regional level, the regional hard rights structure represented as regional big country party leading to the same process of acquiescence break. (3) at the global level, the global hard right structure appeared for the north and south poles off balance, pole in regional strategic retreat; global soft power structure performance for pole in break side compression, the north and south poles acquiescence break led to the same process. Break choose the country with a force or in the form of war and "heterogeneity composite right structure closely related to (1) at the national level, countries - a hard right structure representation for the political and military confrontation" or "nervous" and external "force" or "war" leading political and military with a. The national soft power construction is manifested as "Reunion" or "integration", "force" or "war" of the economy and society. (2) at the regional level, the regional hard power structures appear for regional big country and to break the "confrontation" or "on both sides of the tension, the regional big country acquiescence break party" force "or" war "leading the same process; regional soft power structure touch break in the regional organizations" outside "or" within ", break" from "or" by "organization of regional restrictions. (3) at the global level, global soft power structure performance for the United States and the Soviet Union polar acquiescence to break party "force" or "war" leading. The former identity of the state, region, and global level affects the choice of the same form of force, and the latter affects the choice of the same form of war. To sum up, the influence of compound structure of the right to break the same country and choose the form. Medium, the homogeneity of the composite structure of the right break country could perform the same, the heterogeneity effect of composite structure of the right break country with a process of force or in the form of war of choice. The practical research has a certain reference value for the analysis of the same achievements in Korea and China.

