
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



With the comprehensive and profound development of globalization, new changes have emerged in the field of international political research. National abstract is a representative change of the emergence of the world political category. The international community has experienced a deepening process of abstraction. Since modern times, the sovereignty of the country to rely on violence to get the right wrist, and negligence of the main character of civilization. After experienced a lot of flames of war, people began to recognize national image as a soft right role, national image has not only become a country to obtain international recognition of the important means, and become improve the international competitiveness of the break through of. In 1989 fourth, East Germany and Eastern Europe have had political upheaval, the regime have collapsed. By March 1990, Germany in the postwar experience 41 years after the completion of the same break from the new. Behind the change of the eve of the world, people of the world situation and international relations in the new future to cause the very big concern and to many serious international achievement raises questions about with a German back to also is among them one of. Germany with a previous area of 35. 70 thousand square kilometers, a population of about 81 million, GDP ranked third in the world. Because of the reasons known to all, people will ask the same "Germany will in the international system to pursue what kind of policy? Around this theme, the academic circles at home and abroad in the argument put forward a series of other grades of German communication policy of inner and outer frames of the premise in the degree to which has changed? What are the effects of these changes on German communication?" This article is just to the above results, from the perspective of communication policy on the same after the German communication abstract analysis, thinking that Weimar is not Berlin, but it is not bonn. Looking back to the history, German communication policy in the German Empire in 1871 established the future emergence of two extreme bias "odious of rights" and "the right to forget", have been overcome; looking to the future, Germany will appear to the people a with "civilized nations" kernel, the actual meaning of "trading nation" characteristics of communication abstraction. After Germany will will not repeat the history of road, in communication more is the use of peer cooperation, integration, multilateralism and policy, for the European and World War and stable to positive stimulative effect, is also in line with Germany's own fundamental interests and needs. Can be a sense of the new historical growth in twenty-first Century under the premise of Germany will continue to apply the existing various types of bilateral, multilateral international relations mechanisms and channels to play the role of germany. Through the process of the same post German international abstract research to build our country's international communication and put forward some views.

