
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Rental housing in dealing with China's urban population housing needs display effect is becoming more and more serious, and the response, the rent of the first tier cities in China recently continuously fell slightly. In view of this, this article on Germany and China's housing rental contract judicial framework to stop the comparative study. Through this research, the invention our existing housing lease contract legal framework has been unable to meet the current housing rental market situation request, homemade Germany to cover measures to regulate and control the housing rental market practices once imminent termination. Self created this approach, not only to ensure that the tenant's home and home benefits, but also to co-ordinate the fair benefits of the lessor. In addition, the introduction of this approach in the judicial practice, the inherent judicial system level are no obstacles, at the technical level is also operable. In order to prove the above ideas, this article in accordance with the following control of the first chapter to the lessee and the lessor's appeal, the characteristics of the housing rental market and the housing rental contract judicial framework for the relationship between the three. The conclusion of the research on the grounds of characteristics on both sides of the benefits claims and housing rental market, the resolution and the lessee in a structural advantage position, if private law on both sides of the position difference not interference or interference when, housing rental market will occur the scene of Extreme Justice. In the past one hundred years, the German private law in the housing rental in this regard to give us a living example. The second chapter specifically introduces the German Housing rental contract termination of the cover system and its supporting system, intended to discuss what kind of private law in Germany to intervene in the housing rental market, not only to protect the benefits of the lessee, but also to co-ordinate the benefits of the lessor, and to discuss the skills of the German manual wrist. In the third chapter, we discuss the validity of the termination of the cover system. First of all, through the process of the termination of the cover and the relationship between the fundamental power of the study, this paper points out that in the German public law, the end of the cover is all the right social burden, this system is compatible with the German constitution. Through the process of the relationship between the study, the legislature and the judiciary in the formulation of the release of this system, the rights of the system is also discussed. Secondly, in this chapter, we also discuss the relationship between the termination of the cover and the basic idea of German private law. Through the process of the research, this paper points out that the end cover guardrail system, although seemingly conflicted with the German tradition of private law the basic idea, but in essence they are compatible with each other. Through the process of the termination of the cover system in the Constitution and the two levels of private law, the legitimacy of the results of the study, this paper that the end of the cover system in the legitimacy of the non. The fourth chapter of this paper discussed the technical difficulties in the judicial practice of the system of the termination of the cover system in Germany. In this chapter, we discuss the end cover of the rail system, the application of "need" and "local than rent" the two uncertainty incurred the concept of judicial theory of hard, and expounds the sure the two not sure the contents of the concept of justice for the operation. On the basic of discussing these two achievements, this article breaks through the traditional classification of the concept of justice in Germany, in order to affirm the concept of justice is not sure the concept of justice is divided into the value of the concept of value is not sure the concept of justice and the reality of the concept of justice. This discrimination, not only to help the judicial explanation, but also on the optimization of the judiciary is the expression of a certain positive significance. The fifth chapter of this paper first examines the China's current housing lease contract legal framework, pointed out that the legal framework for the existence of the results, and because of these results makes it become one-sided act to the benefit of the lessor, lessee live firmly up poor and housing rental housing market Qian Fei etc. results cannot be less than department blamed on it. Subsequently, this paper points out that the termination of Germany to cover the basic principles of rail system and our country law highly fit, and of judicial flaws in the contract law of the people's Republic of China on the lease provisions have to fill the role. On the basic of the above discussion, this paper puts forward two plans to stop the cover system in Germany. The conclusion of this paper is that there are serious shortcomings in the judicial framework of China's housing rental contract. Housing is a serious national achievement, to fill the shortcomings of imminent. Germany's termination of the shield rail system, not only in the actual, institutional and theoretical level, the introduction of this system, the housing rental market is bound to bring more equitable results.

