
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The chapeau of material was analyzed, and the pointed out the shortcomings of traditional philosophy in essence definition, then according to the analytic philosophy's retreat on the essence of the definition are defined. To assessment requirements in the history, commenting on this article debates the close contact of the Roman law litigation and claims, and examination of the Hasse, Savigny on Roman law v. the essence of indecent point, especially the claims laid the actual temperature de Zayed actual, and strive to show claim the actual birth before the parties dispute. The actual claim after the birth of Germany to learn community discussion more refine, happened in many practical. This paper focuses on the choice of has in practice, plank of substantive private law covering power on behalf of the vache, Haiweixi requirements in practice, the gap to claim substantial structural analysis, tours of the requirements in practical, J Luc Man, naw Neuilly, binder monism requirements in actual, Bauer, in the middle of the Road, Heinkel different requirement in dividing scale actual open comment debate, pointed out that the factions indecent point into the offer and the lack of local. Initially, in, on the basis of combing the history of the theory, combined in this paper to take the essence of defined about itself to claim substantive views.


摘要   4   引言   6-7   第一章 从罗马法之诉出发   7-24       第一节 定义"本质"   7-10       第二节 罗马法的诉   10-13       第三节 罗马法诉的本质   13-24           一、哈瑟和萨维尼的诉的本质观   13-15           二、温德沙伊德的请求权理论   15-21           三、温德沙伊德理论在立法上的作用   21-24   第二章 有关请求权本质探讨的学说   24-35       第一节 瓦赫、海维希的权利保护请求权理论   24-25       第二节 普兰克的实体私法请求权理论   25-26       第三节 盖普对请求权本质的结构略论   26-28       第四节 图尔的请求权理论   28-29       第五节 克吕克曼、瑙伊讷、宾德的一元论请求权理论   29-32       第六节 鲍尔的中间路线   32-33       第七节 亨克尔的不同请求权分界标准   33-35   第三章 从定义出发的请求权本质检测   35-43       第一节 请求权与诉的关系   35-36       第二节 本质定义的运用   36-43           一、是否"每一项请求权都是在法庭上可强制实现的权利"?   36-40           二、是否"每一项在法庭上非强制实现的权利都不是请求权"?   40           三、请求权本质的适用范围   40-43   第四章 结语   43-44   参考文献   44-46  
