
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The new German said painter of the artistic creation indecent read ancient art in the traditional painting situation deny veto and the social actual cold, to continue the German late said tradition at the same time, to redouble their attention to express means innovation and break through. Germany's new art of painting to the rich and lively painting and the spirit of a high degree of energy content for the artistic characteristics of the emergence of the world's art of painting has a great influence on the growth of the world. This article from the four departments of the new German art of painting art creation ideas to stop research. First department from Germany said the new modernism drawing art creation indecent read the occurrence of basic theory and history of civilization and the actual background and so on several aspects to begin in the new German said modernism drawing art creation idea formative factors. The second section analyzes and discusses the art style and the work of the German new representative painter by the process, and mainly discusses the whole composition of the German new art of painting. The third sector in the German new representation of the art of painting art creation of the composition of the comprehensive summary of the basic, to further explain the new German art of painting the characteristics of the art of painting. The fourth section summarizes the development of the art of painting in Germany and the influence of the development of the art of painting in the world, and on the occurrence of European and modern Chinese artists.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   引言   8   一、德国新表现主义绘画艺术创作观念的形成   8-14       (一) 历史文化因素   9-10       (二) 现实背景   10-11       (三) 理论基础   11-14   二、德国新表现主义绘画艺术创作观念的构成   14-25       (一) “德意志”的创作观   14-17       (二) “纯绘画”的创作观   17-25   三、德国新表现主义绘画艺术创作观念的特点   25-30       (一) 个体伸张   25-27       (二) 精神诠释   27-28       (三) 现实批判   28-30   四、德国新表现主义绘画艺术创作观念的作用   30-35       (一) 对欧洲艺术家的作用   30-31       (二) 对绘画艺术发展的作用   31-32       (三) 对当代中国艺术家的作用   32-35   结语   35-36   注释   36-37   参考文献   37-38   致谢   38-39   附:本人在读研期间科研论文、论著及获奖情况一览表   39  
