
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In the 1920s and 1930s muster all factions, such as plane, said pie, future school and has become increasingly "menting depression tomorrow, surrealism, is still very much alive. Since twentieth Century, only 60 years, many times over the actual art exhibition in Paris, New York, Washington, Shanghai and other places, and the impact of the ancient design of the super realism is not negligence. Ancient poster was born in the late 19th century, in the 1970s, illustration poster had frequent upwelling streets now cities in Europe and North America. Is stereo design, suffer the restriction of printing service object and request, and different period of social background has a close contact, and the reason why it is with the social, cultural, political, economic, and so points has a very close relationship is because "it is the most intimate with a category of relations with the text in the design fields, also has the characteristics of the bulk of the,, three-dimensional design also most easily by recognizes the shape." Poster design as the main category of three-dimensional design has become a mirror of the society, the impact of the various factions in the ancient art is also a number of aspects, the more practical in the German poster design, said in particular. German poster design by before and after the first World War said "wild said followed the second world wars stopped, let us see the surrealism is amazing. Germany as a party to the victors, effects of fighting for their most deeply, reflection at the end of the war is the most intense, they look forward to the pursuit of comfort of thought as they "super practical reason, but also makes the in the meantime German poster design to see the" surrealism ". The emotional design idea and the collision of the ultra realistic art ideas, and promote the development of modern German poster design. In this paper, based on the super realism focus principle and practice of the idea of research, from contact with the invention of the super realism and artistic characteristics of the works, to investigate the scene of the social background and historical reasons of German poster design, find out the source of creation for designers, focusing on analysis of super realism and German emotional energy combined with the reason, summarized super realism art creation of German poster design with effect, contact realistic case system and comprehensive analysis of German ultra realistic posters for of the creative process and characteristics. Medium, the designer through the process of combination, isomorphism let us new definition and reflection in the nature of things, photographic collage means reproduces the real society so the working sense, deformation distorted instruments to make life in the music rhythm, superposition and fade out the picture let us sense of touch to the dyed secret desires and endless sentimental, conflict space application so that three-dimensional world becomes a plane and mystery, such unique and innovative, let German poster design alive bound blooming glory. In this paper, the author will focus on Hans Hillman (HanSHillmann), Gunter Rainbow (GuntRambow), Hogo Mathis (HolgerMatthiS), Gent Kaiser (Gifltkiser), as the focus of this paper, the author analyzes the object, trust in its own comparison, in addition to the study and research in Germany in twentieth Century.

