
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Intra domain action is one of the main components of the communication and military policy in Germany, which has been concerned by many aspects. From the same early after frequent use of check and communication to later become a strength insignificant on the battlefield in Afghanistan, the Bundeswehr is also increasingly active in the international arena, to match Germany increasingly strengthen the comprehensive national strength and the allies of waiting. The federal defense forces have become more frequent in the domain of action, the reason is in many aspects. International Society of Germany with a hope moderately, the American desire to grow and with a German can may bear more to maintain the order of international capital, France and other European allies to desire Germany can perhaps further deepening of European integration of the collaborative process, however, a result of the historical reason but let these countries can not complete trust in Germany, Germany can not in the history of the chains and the actual wait between looking for a best balance point. Germany can perhaps intervention to the action in the domain, the impact of international factors is put into neglect of, between the various parties in a domain action of indecent read differences gradually, peoples about Shoubing domestic acceptance is also getting higher and higher, military rail system won the transformation slowly, to match higher to protect national security request, but this kind of change is extremely slow. Have complex situation formed Germany in fulfilling the communication and military policy is often hesitate undecided, but this is actually not be an obstacle to the Bundeswehr played a more and more important role in the domain of action, to support Germany from the new entering the ranks of the "normalization" of the country.


摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   第一章 绪论   6-11       一、选题的目的与意义   6-7       二、国内外探讨动态   7-10       三、本文的思路、措施与创新之处   10-11   第二章 德国统一后军队域外行动的发展   11-25       一、德国统一后初期军队域外行动的开始   11-15           (一)支票外交:1990/1991 年海湾战争   11-12           (二)联邦国防军柬埔寨维和   12-13           (三)维和与人道主义救援的参与   13-15       二、德国军队域外行动的逐步发展   15-25           (一)自主意识的萌发   15-17           (二)积极地参与和行动   17-20           (三)9·11 事件大力推动了域外行动   20-25   第三章 德国军队域外行动的动因   25-36       一、国内因素的作用与舆论环境的变化   25-32           (一)党派之间从对立到渐趋一致   25-28           (二)宪法法院的判决以及德国国防安全白皮书   28-29           (三)军事制度的逐步改革   29-30           (四)民意倾向的逐步转变   30-32       二、外部因素的作用   32-36           (一)国际环境的变化与新挑战的出现   32-33           (二)美国与欧洲盟国对统一后德国的期待   33-34           (三)德国自身的强烈意愿   34-36   第四章 德国军队域外行动的困境   36-44       一、军事改革的缓慢发展   36-41           (一)历史因素与战略文化的作用   36-38           (二)国防预算不足以及政治制度的限制   38-39           (三)德国自身角色定位的模糊   39-41       二、德美分歧的出现   41-44           (一)独领风骚的德国不符合美国的利益   41-42           (二)德国外交政策的原则及参与域外行动的前提   42-44   第五章 结论   44-46   参考文献   46-50   致谢   50-51   学位论文答辩委员会组成人员名单   51  
