
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



From 19 to twentieth Century in German history, Mr. Big played an important role in a series of serious matters. Some people think that, as early as before the Nazis, Germany Mr. once overthrown a republic. This paper focuses discuss the Weimar Republic era of university student's social dilemma, teaches grades, unemployment crisis and thinking shaken, to read all the documents they eventually put into Nazi reason. Paper in accordance with the politics of the Weimar Republic beginning, growth, historical process of final, first of the 19th century to the first World War German university student activities of growing up to do to remember, and then one by one analysis Weimar era "sentinel young generation" university student, "absolutely stable generation" in Mr. night and "backward Nazi generation" Mr. big. First of all, the analysis from the economic reasons, Mr. Nianye special influence easily by the Nazis, the first is due to the Weimar period of strict "knowledge industry" extra achievements. Although after 1918, followed by the growth of political, Nianye school (become more and more to the grassroots peoples open, but economic momentum of the Weimar Republic is a problem, intellectual unemployment market increasingly shrinking, unable to digest the increment of Mr. number. From 1924 to 1929, intellectual drop rate remains high, "common sense proletarians" become a popular language, the common member in inexplicably appreciation. In 1929, the world economic crisis caused more serious disorder, German higher education class is the hope place overnight. Under this kind of situation, academic position in the foreseeable future expectations and shrinking the expenditure of them happened mean pressure, the pressure caused by the gentlemen of the eve of the angry, they will be the vent in the lame democracy of the Republic of China. Secondly, the German Higher Education ills gradually improved in the Weimar times. At this time, the middle class not through the traditional process method, the "teaching" and "industry" together, become a social class guide. Their intangible assets and tangible wealth sector or the whole experience, the traditional knowledge elite survival teachings based jittery the loss. If the college scientific research in the 20 years of the 20th century as "bourgeois" teach the long-term abnormal growth reaction, the Weimar Republic, Mr. Big about this effect is is unable to avoid. In essence, is a kind of cost to receive education situation. Including the savings, investment and profit will return. Like any investor, educated Germans expect them in the study of the capital investment may bring fair return and cover. When all inputs but zero return, they will resort to political. Germany in the years 1918-1933, taught by the and there is no sense of security, teach the sanctity of wealth was bullying as other public industry by occupation. In the established concept, a man of learning in the moral is superior, but "proletarian" seems to be higher thought connotation and the value of a lost -- in other words, the traditional academic values was extinguished, become the victim of corruption to humanitarian supplies, "true" intelligence career faded away. First, from the Republic of Weimar at the beginning, there is a big crisis thought mr.. Continue to collision between the thought and the actual state of the basic livelihood from the period of William, so that they can not understand the elite voluntary changes, the same reason they become fragmented. In the early postwar period, new old Mr. became classmates friends of the stone, sentinel soldiers generation in the psychological maturity and experience the rich so that they in energy and political oriented double perceptual. In 1918 to 1923 had shaken Mr Nianye plays a role in dialedrandomly. But in the mid 20's, with the sentinel Nianye Mr. left campus, Mr. Big rightist conservatism lost the binding strength. Their personal insecurity makes them as the beginning of Nazism closely together, they eventually found to make up for the information society and the energy of the vacuum. 30 years earlier, the economic depression hit the inherent political backlash double not compromise. Followed Hitler seized power, Mr. Big think their trials and tribulations will come to an end, due to a new, the force behavior of the prime minister will be German plain near family will ensure, by them to complete reform and social obligations. This means that Mr can be the same as before the eve of career in the political, economic and social situation of the elite. In a short period of time history, Weimar Republic as Mr. big political understanding consciousness supply the social situation, they dominated in the Weimar Republic political sky, trained skilled political skills, but also the Nazis found the open university student political door keys. The club is one of the best political society Mr. strength, is attached to them, the Nazi party was eventually to political hegemony. From the long time history, Weimar Germany university student to the Nazi cause is buried deep in Germany long history, is precisely the Deutsche plain near the national spirit and civilization of the Deutsche plain nearly nationalism during the Nazi era and eventually chapeau in young people who like a volcano same eruption from the. However, cannot assert, Mr. big in the early 20 s have to do to prepare the nazis. The formation of this kind of final factor is various, there are many variables in the process.

