
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In our country, the translation of the task of the government is not only beneficial to foreign countries, but also to promote the exchange of Chinese and foreign political, economic, and cultural aspects. A lot of scholars have studied the translation of the task of the authorities, and they have obtained a lot of research. But most of the studies are not enough. Germany's effectiveness has been broken by the fact that it has always been done in order to accomplish the target text. In this paper, we will start from the practical translation of German, analyze the translation of the task of the authorities, and explore the principles and methods of translation. The practical translation of German is a target of action, different translation strategies and different translation strategies. In other words, the target and the target of the translation are the decisive factors of the translator's choice of translation strategies. The study summarized the effect of feminist translation practice important indecent point, including Reiss's text typology, manttari translation action, Vermeer's goal theory and Nord's function plus loyalty actual, at the same time, the authorities declared the content, speaking style, rhetoric analysis, talk, civilization and the translator objective element that influence the task the authorities to declare the translation are pointed out. On this base, it constitutes the translation criterion of the task of the government, and also, it is a practical and effective translation of the text. Initially proposed the effectiveness of translation three principles (target criterion, the principle of loyalty and divergence criterion) and to guide the task of the authorities to declare the translation. The research thinks, through the analysis of the material of the course, can draw the following conclusions: 1. The effectiveness of the translation strategy to complete the translation strategy to complete the target and target; 2) the effectiveness of the task of the government to declare the translation strategy of the same type of text translation.


Abstract   5-6   摘要   7-10   Chapter 1 Introduction   10-14       1.1 Research background and significance   10-11       1.2 Literature review   11-13       1.3 Organization of the thesis   13-14   Chapter 2 German Functionalist Translation Theory   14-23       2.1 General introduction of German functionalist theory   14-15       2.2 Functionalist translation theories in discussion   15-21           2.2.1 Katharina Reiss: text-typology   15-16           2.2.2 Hans J. Vermeer: skopostheorie   16-19           2.2.3 Justa Holz-Manttari: theory of translation action   19-20           2.2.4 Christiane Nord: function plus loyalty   20-21       2.3 Application of functionalist translation theory   21-23   Chapter 3 Survey of Government Work Report and Its C-E Translation from the Functionalist perspective   23-39       3.1 Introduction of Government Work Report   23-26           3.1.1 Content of Government Work Report   23           3.1.2 Language style of Government Work Report   23-25           3.1.3 Rhetoric of Government Work Report   25-26       3.2 Factors affecting C-E translation of Government Work Report   26-35           3.2.1 Linguistic factors   26-30           3.2.2 Cultural factors   30-33           3.2.3 Translator’s personal factors   33-35       3.3 Criteria for C-E translation of Government Work Report   35-39           3.3.1 Political correctness   35-36           3.3.2 Accuracy   36-38           3.3.3 Wholeness   38-39   Chapter 4 Functionalist Analysis of C-E Translation of Government Work Report   39-45       4.1 Text type of Government Work Report   39-40       4.2 Functions of Government Work Report   40-42           4.2.1 Informative function of Government Work Report   40-41           4.2.2 Vocative function of Government Work Report   41-42       4.3 Translation brief of Government Work Report   42-45           4.3.1 Skopos of Government Work Report translation   42-43           4.3.2 Target text addressees   43           4.3.3 Role of the source text analysis   43-44           4.3.4 Time and place of the text reception   44-45   Chapter 5 Functionalist Translation Principles and Strategies of Government Work Report   45-65       5.1 Translation principles of Government Work Report from functionalist translation theory   45-47           5.1.1 Skopos principle   45-46           5.1.2 Loyalty principle   46           5.1.3 Coherence principle   46-47       5.2 Functionalist translation strategies of Government Work Report   47-65           5.2.1 Translation strategies at lexical level   47-51           5.2.2 Translation strategies at sentential level   51-56           5.2.3 Translation strategies at discourse level   56-61           5.2.4 Translation strategies at cultural level   61-65   Chapter 6 Conclusion   65-67   Bibliography   67-70   攻读学位期间主要科研成果   70-71   Acknowledgements   71  
