
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



The German Social Democratic Party is a 1.5 century long history of socialist party, it has to establish a society more wonderful than the actual "socialism" as the goal. Since birth, the party has always been in the adaptation of the growth period, and the subjective and objective condition of change and ceaseless stop adjustment and transformation. After the Second World War to stop, German Social plain near main party according to the times of change and party elections the actual needs, through the party repeatedly comment debate after, the party through the full democratic socialist color the Godesberg program ". The outline of the eve of a real highlight is the German social democracy leader proposed to "freedom" and "equality" and "cooperation" is an important content of fundamental value. Although before the socialist international and some social democratic party documents, occasionally mentioned socialist values and "freedom" and "equivalence" and other words, but none will be deeply discussed as fundamental value. As long as the German Social Democratic Party will be the fundamental value as the actual focus of democratic socialism, the fundamental value of a series of documents and literature shows that the fundamental value of the position, role and influence, raised the German public democratic socialist ethical color and color workers activities. Fundamental value of it has been 40 year, its enduring impact, after although the party's program are according to the changing period of the proposed many new achievements, but on the outline of a democratic socialist basic value is not trickle down shift, but double sufficient to determine the three fundamental value and the details. The fundamental value of freedom, justice and connection is an important part of the socialist banner, is the most basic characteristic of identity. Based on the fundamental value of the German Social Democratic Party's important research object, from history to reality, abide by from idea to practice, to China such a clue from Germany, the thought origin, background, important internal review of stop the German Social Democratic Party fundamental value, improve the essence in match section breaking the German Social Democratic Party's fundamental value with Marx and Engels free and fair indecent indecent indecent, cooperation, and actively absorb the dialectical points including policies to lure fundamental value inside and in this case, to Chinese fruitful discussion and focus of socialist value system to implement.


内容摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   前言   7-15       一、选题意义   7-8       二、探讨近况   8-11           (一) 德国社会民主党党内对基本价值探讨   8-9           (二) 我国学者对德国社会民主党基本价值探讨的近况   9-11       三、探讨措施   11-12       四、文章结构以及相关概念的确定   12-15   引言   15-16   第一章、基本价值观的历史发展   16-26       一、基本价值的思想渊源   16-19       二、社会党国际的基本价值   19-20       三、欧洲其他主要社会党的基本价值   20-22       四、德国社会民主党的基本价值演进   22-23       五、马克思恩格斯对于社会主义的价值准则   23-26   第二章、德国社会民主党基本价值的主要内容、产生原因以及核心地位   26-39       一、德国社会民主党基本价值的主要内容   26-31           (一) 自由   26-27           (二) 公正   27-28           (三) 互助   28-29           (四) 基本价值三者之间的相互关系   29-31       二、德国社会民主党基本价值产生的原因   31-34       三、基本价值在德国社会民主党内的核心地位   34-39   第三章、对德国社会民主党基本价值观的评析   39-50       一、德国社会民主党基本价值的民主社会主义性质   39-44       二、德国社会民主党基本价值中对于标准的评价缺乏科学性   44-46       三、基本价值标志着德国社会民主党由工人阶级政党向人民党的转型   46-48       四、德国社会民主党基本价值在一定意义上也具有积极意义   48-50   第四章、社会主义核心价值体系与德国社会民主党基本价值的比较和启示   50-58       一、社会主义核心价值体系的提出   50-51       二、社会主义核心价值体系与德国社会民主党基本价值的比较   51-55           (一) 指导思想不同   51-52           (二) 价值目标不同   52-53           (三) 评价标准不同   53-54           (四) 实现途径不同   54-55       三、德国社会民主党基本价值对我们的启示   55-58           (一) 合理借鉴基本价值中蕴含的积极因素   55-56           (二) 坚持马克思主义价值观   56-58   结语   58-60   参考文献   60-64   后记   64  
