
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-06

【关键词】:英语冠词 母语迁移 标记性 定指 类指 不定指 无指




Chapter 1 Introduction21-27

1.1 Goals of the dissertation21-23

1.2 Research Questions of the dissertation23

1.3 Significance of the study23-24

1.4 Framework of the dissertation24-27

Chapter 2 Language Transfer and Markedness Theory27-56

2.1 Language Transfer in SLA27-39

2.1.1 Manifestation of transfer29-37 Negative Transfer30-34 Zero Transfer34-35 Positive Transfer35-37

2.1.2 Transfer of L1 and L2 in L3 acquisition and bi-directional transfer37-38

2.1.3 Summary of language transfer38-39

2.2 Markedness39-56

2.2.1 Definition of markedness40-43

2.2.2 The criteria for determining markedness43-45

2.2.3 Markedness in Language Transfer45-51 Linguistic Studies of markedness and language transfer45-49 Psychological Studies of markedness and language transfer49-51

2.2.4 Markedness Differential Hypothesis (MDH)51-55

2.2.5 Summary of markedness theory55-56

Chapter 3 Studies on L2 Acquisition of English Articles56-82

3.1 The nominal domain of articles56-61

3.1.1 DP Hypothesis57-59

3.1.2 The Nominal Mapping Parameter59-61

3.2 Linguistic studies of English article acquisition61-74

3.2.1 Syntactic aspect of article acquisition61-64 Representational Deficit Hypothesis61-62 The Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis62-64

3.2.2 Semantic aspect of article acquisitions64-72 Biological Program Hypothesis and the Semantic Wheel Theory64-66 The Fluctuation Hypothesis and the Article Choice Parameter66-72

3.2.3 Pragmatic aspect of L2 article acquisitions72-74

3.3 Cognitive studies of English article acquisition74-77

3.4 The study of language transfer and markedness in article acquisition77-82

Chapter 4 Experiment 1: The Multiple-Choice Task82-107

4.1 Research questions82-83

4.2 Research method83-86

4.2.1 Participants83

4.2.2 Semantic types of articles83-85

4.2.3 Analytical methods85

4.2.4 Procedure85-86

4.3 Results86-93

4.3.1 Comparison of mean scores between different groups86-88

4.3.2 Comparison of mean scores between different semantic types88-93

4.4 Data analysis93-102

4.4.1 Difference of accuracy with different native languages93-96

4.4.2 Difference of accuracy in different semantic types96-102 High error rate of the in [-SR][/HK] and an in [/SR][-HK]97-101 High accuracy of the in [/SR][-HK] and a in [-SR][-HK]101-102

4.5 Discussion102-107

Chapter 5 Experiment 2: The Blank-filling Task107-135

5.1 Research questions107-108

5.2 Research Method108-110

5.2.1 Participants108

5.2.2 Instrument108

5.2.3 Classification of determiners108-110

5.2.4 Procedure110

5.3 Results110-118

5.3.1 Difference in accuracy of determiners between different groups111-114

5.3.2 Difference in accuracy of determiners between different semantic types114-116

5.3.3 Overuse and underuse of articles and other determiners116-118

5.4 Data Analysis118-129

5.4.1 Difference in accuracy of determiners with different native languages118-123 Determiners in Chinese VS determiners in English119-122 Determiners in French and Spanish VS determiners in English122-123

5.4.2 Differences in accuracy between different semantic types123-126

5.4.3 Overuse and underuse of articles among learners with different native languages126-129 Overuse of the definite article126-128 Underuse of the indefinite article and the zero article128-129

5.5 Discussion129-135

Chapter 6 The Interviews135-159

6.1 Research Questions135

6.2 Research Method135-138

6.2.1 Participants and procedure135-136

6.2.2 Classification of the reasons136-138

6.3 Results138-142

6.3.1 Descriptive analysis of specific and non-specific reasons138-142

6.3.2 Descriptive analysis of language transfer142

6.4 Data analysis142-153

6.4.1 Different types of reasons: specific reasons143-147

6.4.2 Different types of reasons: Non-specific reasons147-149

6.4.3 Different types of reasons: Language transfer and markedness149-153

6.5 Discussion153-159

Chapter 7 General Discussion and Conclusion159-166

7.1 Major findings159-161

7.2 Implications161-164

7.2.1 Theoretical implications161-162

7.2.2 Pedagogical implications162-164

7.3 Limitations and Suggestions for future research164-166


Appendix A The Multiple-choice Task185-190

Appendix B The Blank-filling Task190-192

Appendix C Transcription Notation192-193
