
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

作用政治文献翻译的操控因素Manipulation factors affecting the translation of political documents




In the rapid development of globalization, the political literature in the international exchanges and to play a more and more important role in the development of other countries to understand China's current situation and the policy of the window. Therefore, the translation of political literature is unusual given the non significance. Traditional translation studies will be limited to the scale of the study outside, but with the twentieth Century 70 years since the emergence of the concept of civilization shift, the scale of translation studies have been greatly expanded. 1992 Lefevere progressively enunciated the "translation, history and civilization Analects," translation, rewriting and the manipulation of literary fame "and" literary translation ", the foundation of the control of the school of basic. To control the school for representative of the Oriental translation studies regard translation as a complex social civilization action, on behalf of the character Lefevere pointed out all the translation on some level have been understanding shape, poetics and patron of the control. At present, China's political literature on the Chinese translation of the study of the west is unlimited, and most of the more limited to the level of the conversion of speech. The Andre Lefevere's manipulation theories, to the task of authorities in 2017 declaration ", the Communist Party of China 17th representative of national big will declaration", the Communist Party of China the 18th national representative of the eve of the will on the declaration of the Seventeenth Central Committee decision "and" the Communist Party of China the 18th national representative of the eve of the will on the center Law Review Commission to declare the decision "as an example, to discuss the understanding of shape, poetics and patronage, the translator and the civilization of a full-length points how to manipulate translation. Actual manipulation also has certain limitations, in this paper the practical in the translation of political documents and analyzes the influence the political literature of Chinese translation of Western recognize shapes, poetics and sponsor identity. At the same time, it further discusses the translator's identity and cultural identity which are not included in the actual operation. There are four chapters in this paper. The first chapter is to discuss the translation practice. Mainly introduces the important content of Lefevere's manipulation of actual and the other two influence the translation identity as a translator and civilization. The second chapter introduces the translation of political documents, the definition and characteristics and the research of political documents review, after the paper analyzes research background knowledge. The third chapter of the main body of the paper. An analysis of the control of the five factors in the Chinese translation of political documents. Recognizing the shape is the most important factor, the choice of the translation text, the translator's understanding of the original text and translation strategies. The whole style of poetry translation. Master the selection, organization and patron of translators of the book. The choice of speech in a certain level of civilization. The translator's own influence on the translation of political documents is very limited, but knows the shape, poetics and patron needs through the process of translator "s manipulation to control all of the translation. The fourth chapter summarizes the full text of the key points, and points out the significance of the paper and the lack of local. Through the process of political literature Chinese translation of the Western control of identity, this paper on the political literature of the translation of how to stop the depth of the analysis, expand the future of China's political literature in the west of the study area. At the same time, this paper also to a certain extent by Lefevere's manipulation of the actual growth. First and foremost, Lefevere actual important research object is comparative literature. In this paper, we prove the practicability on the translation of political documents. Secondly, it is important to pay attention to the negative impact of the control factors on translation, and the basic research objects in the context of the target. This paper is an important effort to study the influence of control factors on translation in the context of the source language. At the same time, these effects can not be considered as negative or positive.

