
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

西班牙语学生汉语学习语际偏误略论及其教学对策基于中介语料探讨The error analysis and teaching strategies based on a study of the interlanguage corpus of interlanguage learning Spanish Chinese students




This paper to Spanish speakers as the research object, the application of the Spain Granada University Mr. exercises and Sun Yat sen University interlanguage corpus, Beijing speak University HSK dynamic composition corpus and native speakers of Spanish on composition, of mother language identity caused by the medium error summarized, miss and dividends, addition error, error generation, wrong order four big class, stop the Hency comparison analysis, and on the base of analyzing, in Spanish, Chinese teaching put forward teaching suggestions. In Chinese study, most of the eve of the most difficult to control is the differences of Chinese and Spanish premises and their cities by the influence of mother tongue itself and not accurate Chinese said, so in the teaching process to enhance Hency compared. The reason analysis of errors happen, which can understand and speculation met students studying Chinese in the process, achievements and hard, in order to sponsor them to overcome the interference of their mother tongue, cut its native to the Chinese study the formation of negative migration.


中文摘要   3-4   英文摘要   4   前言   6-8       0.1 缘起   6-7       0.2 本文的探讨目的   7-8   第一章 文献综述与探讨措施   8-14       1.1 文献综述   8-11       1.2 探讨措施及语料来源   11-14   第二章 语际偏误略论(一)   14-26       2.1 遗漏   14-22       2.2 误加   22-26   第三章 语际偏误略论(二)   26-37       3.1 误选   26-31       3.2 错序   31-37   第四章 偏误统计   37-40   第五章 针对西班牙语学生的汉语教学对策   40-45   结语   45-46   参考文献   46-48   后记   48  
