趣味性词汇教学在幼儿汉语课堂教学中的运用一基于西班牙Agora International Sch[西语论文]

资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

趣味性词汇教学在幼儿汉语课堂教学中的运用基于西班牙Agora International School Barcelona的幼儿词汇教学案例略论A case study on the application of International School Barcelona Agora in the teaching of English in Chinese class


跟着中国经济的赓续成长,“汉语热”在西班牙赓续升温,西语专业论文,与此同时,先生的年纪开端向低龄化成长。然则,相较于成人对外汉语丰硕的研究结果,幼儿对外汉语教授教养作为国际汉语教导中的“软肋”,至今还未构成体系的实际系统。本文旨在丰硕幼儿对外汉语教授教养实际,充分这一块的研究材料,为继任自愿者供给一些理论经历。本文的第一章描述了西班牙的汉语教授教养现状,以自己所讲课的AgoraInternational School Barcelona为动身点,折射出西班牙幼儿对外汉语教授教养中所涌现的成绩。本文的第二章解释了幼儿对外汉语辞汇教授教养的主要性。本文的第三章阐述了兴趣性教授教养的主要性和若何进步幼儿对外汉语教室的兴趣性。本文的第四章运用案例剖析的研究办法,从笔者的现实教授教养经历动身,有选择性地遴选了六个教授教养案例,经由过程对案例配景的描写,对教授教养进程的描述,发明教授教养进程中所涌现的成绩。联合幼儿的心思特色和进修成长纪律,西班牙语论文,总结出合适于三岁、四岁幼儿的对外汉语教授教养实际。


Followed by the growth of the Chinese economy ceaselessly, "Chinese fever" in Spain continuously warming. At the same time, Mr. age beginning to young growth. However, phase compared to adult foreign language rich research results, children's foreign language teaching as international Chinese language education in the "soft rib", still has not formed the system of the actual system. This paper aims to rich children's foreign language teaching practice, fully this piece of research materials, succession volunteer supply some theoretical experience. The first chapter of this paper describes the Spanish Chinese teaching situation, in his lecture AgoraInternational school Barcelona as a starting point, reflects the Spanish children's foreign language teaching in the emerging results. The second chapter explains the children's Foreign Language Teaching Department of the main speech. The third chapter mainly elaborated the interest and how to improve children's interest in teaching Chinese as a foreign language classroom. In the fourth chapter, based on the case analysis of research methods, from the author's practical teaching experiences leave selectively chose six teaching case, through the process of case background description, description of the teaching process, the invention of teaching process in Chung scores. Combined with children's mental characteristics and study discipline, summed up suitable for three years old, four years old children's foreign language teaching practice.


致谢   4-5   摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   第一章 绪论   9-17       1.1 探讨的背景   9-11           1.1.1 西班牙的“汉语热”   9-10           1.1.2 Agora International School Barcelona 的中文课堂   10-11           1.1.3 中文课程在 Agora 的尴尬地位   11       1.2 Agora Internationl School Barcelona 教学概述   11-13           1.2.1 西班牙幼儿教育概况   12           1.2.2 课程安排   12-13           1.2.3 课堂表现   13       1.3 从 Agora International School Barcelona 看西班牙幼儿汉语教育所出现的问题   13-15           1.3.1 缺乏合适的教材   13-14           1.3.2 缺乏优质的教学措施   14           1.3.3 缺乏高素质的汉语教师   14           1.3.4 缺乏可借鉴的幼儿对外汉语教学理论   14-15       1.4 探讨措施和探讨意义   15-17   第二章 幼儿对外汉语词汇教学的意义   17-21       2.1 汉语词汇教学的重要性   17-18       2.2 幼儿对外汉语教育的根本目的   18       2.3 幼儿对外汉语教育更偏重于名词性词汇教学   18-19       2.4 幼儿词汇教学应具备的特点   19-21           2.4.1 形象、生动的具体名词   19-20           2.4.2 与幼儿的“认知结构”同步   20-21   第三章 趣味性词汇教学在西班牙幼儿课堂中的运用   21-25       3.1 趣味性的内涵及价值   21-22           3.1.1 何为趣味性教学   21           3.1.2 趣味性教学的重要性   21-22       3.2 幼儿对外汉语课堂更看重趣味性   22-23       3.3 如何提高西班牙幼儿汉语课堂的趣味性   23-25           3.3.1 提高教学内容的趣味性   23           3.3.2 教学措施更多样   23-24           3.3.3 提高教师本身的“魅力”   24-25   第四章 幼儿词汇教学案例略论   25-38       4.1 “案例略论”的重要性   25       4.2 教学案例   25-31           4.2.1 “数词”词汇教学   25-26           4.2.2 “亲属称谓”词汇教学   26-27           4.2.3 “颜色”词汇教学   27-28           4.2.4 “五官”词汇教学   28-30           4.2.5 “水果”词汇教学   30-31           4.2.6 “课堂用具”词汇教学   31       4.4 案例略论   31-38           4.4.1 教学内容符合幼儿心理发展特点   32-33           4.4.2 趣味性教具激发幼儿的无意注意   33-34           4.4.3 适当“奖励”强化幼儿的学习意识   34-35           4.4.4 “全身反应”激发幼儿的正面学习情绪   35-36           4.4.5 所出现的问题   36-38   总结   38-40   参考文献   40-43  
