
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07




Julio? Medem as modern Spain's most famous rebirth and the director of grew up with father Super 8 cinematograph film clips, in the process of medicine externally mind courses, the energy areas of the human heart grand deep nostalgia. Born in a multicultural family, growth to changes in the Spanish film growth time, eventually to the identity of the master of medicine into the creation of the film in the medem, keep each film are self. He is so obsessed with the idea of the film itself, so that each of his works appear very peculiar artistic characteristics. The through introducing Julio? Medem's creative process, reading and analyzing all his feature film work, focus on he pierces through has been the fate of the theme, characterization of said means, the psychological constructs leading film structure of the narrative strategy discussed profoundly. And through combing inductive rheology of the era the film, analyses the relation between the medem's works and authors of the film, to discuss his is how the visual image works said the prejudice of the Eph energy movement, the summary of his work in the bright creation characteristic, to the film the future growth of the bias present itself despise.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   导论   7-8   第一章 胡里奥·梅德姆的创作概况   8-21       第一节 胡里奥·梅德姆的创作背景   8-13           1、当代西班牙电影发展概况   8-11           2、巴斯克地区电影发展概况   11-13       第二节 胡里奥·梅德姆的创作历程   13-21           1、胡里奥·梅德姆生平介绍   13-16           2、胡里奥·梅德姆著作介绍   16-21   第二章 胡里奥·梅德姆电影著作的艺术特征   21-38       第一节 主题特色   21-26           1、民族与政治   21-23           2、母系与男权   23-24           3、个体与命运   24-26       第二节 艺术手法   26-38           1、象征与隐喻   26-33           2、影像奇观化   33-34           3、声乐风格化   34-38   第三章 胡里奥·梅德姆的作者电影   38-52       第一节 作者电影及其发展   38-41           1、作者电影的提出   38-40           2、西班牙的作者电影   40-41       第二节 胡里奥·梅德姆作者电影的个人标签   41-49           1、自我意识/潜意识的梳理   41-44           2、自我意识/潜意识的外化   44-47           3、借助他者媒介观望自我   47-49       第三节 作者电影的近况与未来   49-52   结束语   52-53   附录一   53-54   附录二   54-55   参考文献   55-57   攻读学位期间公开的论文   57   参与创作的实践   57-58   谢词   58  
