评委评语 该建筑大学新校园的设立志在与周边湄公河三角洲中心区域的生态环境中的所有元素和谐共存包括了河流水域、稻田洪水、红树林沼泽地和风的变化规律,以及光与影的季节性变化。□ Jury Appraisal A new campus for an architectural university aspires to achieve harmony with all elements of the surrounding ecosystem in the middle of the Mekong River Delta:the waters of the river and the flooding of the rice fields,the mangroves,the winds and their patterns as well as with the seasonal changes of light and shadow.□ i 设计团队/Design Team:小岛一浩/Coelacanth及合伙 人建筑事务所;佐贯大辅/佐贯大辅建筑......(论文页数是:2页) ,越语专业论文,越语论文范文 |