
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

1 Introduction   10-22       1.1 Introduction to Listening Comprehension   10-14           1.1.1 A Brief Look at Listening   10-12           1.1.2 Research Background   12-13           1.1.3 Purpose and Significance of the Study   13-14       1.2 Theoretical Framework of the Study   14-19           1.2.1 The Relevance Theory   14-16           1.2.2 The Model of LC from RT Perspective   16-18           1.2.3 The Model of Second Language Transactional LC   18-19       1.3 Introduction to the Thesis   19-22           1.3.1 The Scope of the Study   19-21           1.3.2 Structure of the Thesis   21-22   2 Literature Review   22-32       2.1 The Effects of Background Knowledge on SLA Students‘LC   22-25       2.2 The Effects of Text Type on SLA Students’LC   25-27       2.3 The Researches on the Text Processing Strategies of LC   27-29       2.4 The LC Researches from RT Perspective   29-30       2.5 Summary   30-32   3 Research Design and Procedure   32-42       3.1 The Research Questions   32-34           3.1.1 The Proposal of Research Questions   32-33           3.1.2 Research Hypotheses   33-34       3.2 The Operational Definition of the Variables   34-36           3.2.1 The Independent Variables   34-35           3.2.2 The Dependent Variables   35-36           3.2.3 The Control Variables   36       3.3 Research Design   36-38           3.3.1 Research Subjects   36-37           3.3.2 Materials and Questionnaire Design   37-38       3.4 Research Procedure   38-41       3.5 Test Assessment and Analysis Methods   41-42   4 Data Analysis   42-54       4.1 The Quantitative Analysis   42-52           4.1.1 The Test Results of the Effect of Each Variable   42-46           4.1.2 The Test Results of the Main Effect of Each Variable   46-49           4.1.3 The Test Results of the Interaction of Each Variable   49-52       4.2 Qualitative Analysis   52-54           4.2.1 Description of the Subjects‘Answers in the Familiar Texts   52           4.2.2 Description of the Subjects’Answers in the Unfamiliar Texts   52-54   5 Results Discussion from RT Perspective   54-63       5.1 The Effect of Topic Familiarity   54-56       5.2 The Effect of Language Proficiency   56-57       5.3 The Effect of Text Type   57       5.4 The Interaction between Topic Familiarity and Language Proficiency   57-58       5.5 The Information Processing Strategies of the Subjects   58-63   6 Conclusion   63-69       6.1 Summary of the Research Results   63-64       6.2 Implication of the Research   64-67       6.3 Limitation of the Research   67-68       6.4 Suggestions for Further Research   68-69   Acknowledgement   69-71   Bibliography   71-76   Appendix 1   76-78   Appendix 2   78-81   Appendix 3   81-82   Appendix 4   82-83   Article published during MA study   83  
