
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南的“大国平衡战略”Vietnam's "great power balance strategy"




The rapid growth of China's economy not only for the international war and a solid made a contribution, but also for the growth of the world's economic power supply. But the world's growth in China to be determined, the Chinese into the offer to praise, but also to China's process has a few in charge of heart. Special is in the northwest Asia, the neighboring countries, although they are in harmony with China, but the Chinese right to worry too much, but also let them start with the help of external forces to China, which is the balance of strategy". In recent years, China and its surrounding countries territorial waters, territorial disputes result ceaselessly, especially in the South China Sea dispute situation has not been cooling, at a certain level affected the relationship between China and neighboring countries of superior growth. Some scholars also proposed, in Chinese around have formed a curb growth Chinese encirclement. That argument is encirclement sufficiently, has also been some scholars deny. But our communication situation is becoming more and more complicated, and the implementation of the "national strategy of the country" in the northwest Asian countries is one of the most complex factors. In this paper, Vietnam's "national strategy for the balance of the country" as an important research object, through the process of Vietnam's "national strategy for the balance of the country," the background and reason analysis, for our country to formulate a response to the policy of supply. To Vietnam as a model for the disposal of our country and other countries in the northwest and the relationship between the whole of the ASEAN to visit new ideas.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   绪论   7-12       第一节 选题目的及意义   7-8           一、 从中越关系来看   7           二、 从国际环境的变化看   7-8       第二节 国内外探讨动态   8-11       第三节 论文结构   11-12   第一章 何为大国平衡战略   12-21       第一节 大国平衡战略的思想渊源   12-15           一、 中立思想   12-13           二、 不结盟思想   13-14           三、 均势思想   14-15       第二节 大国平衡战略的实践   15-19           一、 新加坡   15-17           二、 泰国   17-18           三、 菲律宾   18-19       第三节 大国平衡战略的共同特点   19-21           一、 从国家的综合实力来看   19           二、 从地缘政治来看   19-20           三、 从历史方面说   20           四、 从理论上来说   20           五、 从大国平衡的目的来说   20-21   第二章 越南“大国平衡战略”的确立、内涵、实施及成效   21-36       第一节 越南外交战略的演变与“大国平衡战略”的确立   21-24           一、 依靠社会主义阵营的阶段(1945-越南统一)   21-22           二、 向苏联“一边倒”阶段(独立后—冷战结束)   22-23           三、 大国平衡的外交战略(1991—今)   23-24       第二节 越南“大国平衡战略”的内涵   24-32           一、 综合性平衡   24           二、 认清自身在别国外交中的地位,准确定位利益契合点并加以利用   24-31           三、 从矛盾中获益   31-32       第三节 越南大国平衡战略实施的成效   32-35       小结   35-36   第三章 越南实施“大国平衡战略”的原因略论   36-50       第一节 从越南自身的角度看   36-38           一、 地缘政治因素   36-37           二、 综合国力   37           三、 历史上与大国的关系   37           四、 时代原因和以往政策经验   37-38           五、 国家利益   38       第二节 大国因素   38-49           一、 中国因素   39-46           二、 美国因素   46-49       小结   49-50   第四章 对中国的作用及中国的应对之策   50-55       第一节 越南大国平衡战略对中国的作用   50-52       第二节 应对之对策   52-55           一、 增大筹码效用,积极寻找新筹码   52           二、 用制度来规范   52-53           三、 侧面突破   53-54           四、 从建构主义角度   54-55   第五章 结语   55-57   参考文献   57-61   致谢   61  
