越南学生习得“把”字句的偏误略论Error analysis of the Vietnamese students' acquisition of "Ba" sentence 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) “把”字句是古代汉语中独有的一种特别句式,一向是对外汉语教授教养界研究的热点话题。不外今朝为止,对于越南先生“把”字句偏误剖析的研究不太多。是以,作为一名对外汉语专业的越南先生,自己认为有需要对越南先生习得“把”字句停止研究。本文对华文化圈的先生(越南先生、韩国粹生、日本先生)习得“把”字句的情形停止问卷查询拜访并剖析、比拟三国粹生在问卷查询拜访中涌现偏误,找出先生学“把”字句的偏误由于而且给出针对越南先生“把”字句的教授教养战略。 第一章对“把”字句的实际基本停止引见,重要是对“把”字句的本体研究停止概述,引见“把”字句的狭义和广义,“把”字句的特色,越语论文网站,语义关系和用法。 第二章对华文化圈的先生(越南,韩国,日本)“把”字句习得的查询拜访问卷停止统计并分类。为了懂得列国的说话和文明如何作用到先生习得“把”字句,自己就对华文化圈得先生习得“把”字句的情形停止比拟并剖析能否受母语或文明作用的分歧偏误由于。别的,为了懂得说话情况和母语的作用,自己还比较剖析了分歧进修阶段的越南人所犯的毛病,越南语毕业论文,他们分离在年夜陆和越南进修汉语。重要着重了以下五点“把”字句中动词的偏误(包含光杆动词、漏掉动词、非处理动词),“把”字句中动词后成份的偏误,“把”字句状语的偏误,“把”字句的宾语的偏误,躲避景象的偏误。 第三章自己对越南先生“把”字句教授教养现状停止剖析,剖析教材和教授教养办法,从而给出对于针对越南先生的教材和教授教养办法的一些建议供读者参考。 Abstract: "Ba" is the unique ancient Chinese is a kind of special sentence patterns, is always the hot topic of research in foreign language teaching world. Nothing more than at present, on the Vietnamese "Ba" sentence error analysis of the discussion is not too much. In Vietnam, as a foreign language professional, I think that there is a need to Vietnam Mr. acquisition "to" sentence research. The China cultural circle of Mr. (Mister Vietnam, Korea, Japan, acquisition "to" stop words questionnaire investigation and analysis, compare the three students in the questionnaire visit the emergence of bias, find out Mr. science "to" sentence errors due to and in Vietnam, "of the" words of the teaching strategy. The first chapter of "the words of basic theory are introduced, the important is to the words of the ontology research overview, introduced the words of broad sense and narrow sense. The characteristics of words, semantic relationship and usage. Chapter 2 China cultural circle, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan) the words acquisition of survey questionnaires, statistics and classification. In order to understand nations of the language and culture how to affect Mr. acquisition of "Ba" sentence, China cultural circle was Mr. acquisition "of the" words of compare and analyze whether by native speakers or civilization, of different errors due to. Other, in order to know how to talk and native language, has its own comparative analysis of the phase of different learning Vietnamese made mistakes, they separated in the mainland and Vietnam to learn Chinese. Important focuses on the following five points "to" sentence in the verb errors (including bare verb, omitted verbs, non dealing with verbs), the words after the verb composition errors "put" sentence adverbial errors "put" the bias of the object of a sentence, to escape the scene of bias. The third chapter himself to Mr. Vietnam the words teaching present situation analysis, analysis of teaching materials and teaching methods, thus given for some of the recommendations of Vietnam, teaching materials and teaching methods for the reader reference on the. 目录: 封面 1-2 |