
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

革新开放背景越南经济改革探索On Vietnam's economic reform under the background of reform and opening up




A long battle and colonialism to make Vietnam once regarded as the poorest country in Southeast asia. Since the 20th century, 80 years, the Communist Party of Vietnam enough to absorb the Vietnam socialist reform and construction experience basically, trapped for processing Neiyou outside, the implementation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world and found a consistent North Vietnam national conditions of socialist development path. Vietnam in their own experience of reform in China at the same time, injected many of its characteristics and innovation, in the process of economic transformation, the introduction of the a series of reform measures, to agricultural reform for transformation of the breach, the industrial reform for the transformation of the battle, the export-oriented economy as a transformation of bias, the socialist oriented market economy as a retrofit to the Vietnam jumped become steady economic increase, market is active region. The economic transformation of Vietnam has caused the international community watched some news media speculation that it will become the new Asian tigers ". Vietnam's economic success is sufficient to explain the reform and opening up of Vietnam is a victory, and take the road of socialist construction is accurate. What, then, Vietnam in the process of economic transformation, there are many achievements, such as regional economic growth is not balanced, the gap between urban and rural areas of the new year, the basic measures are still lagging behind, etc.. In general, Vietnam gained in longitude transformation short 20 years in so far outweigh the lack. System analysis and research of Vietnam's economic reform process, characteristics, and since the reform and opening up economic growth of state comprehensive summaries Vietnamese economic transformation to obtain the success experience, analysis of the achievements and experience of the medium in the presence of, the other socialist countries in search of a suitable national socialist economic growth way, will undoubtedly have a must own the significance and enlightenment effect.


摘要   5-6   ABSTRACT   6   绪论   9-16       1. 选题背景   9       2. 选题意义   9-10       3. 相关探讨近况   10-14       4. 探讨措施和探讨思路   14       5. 可能的创新之处与不足   14-16   第一章 越南革新开放的背景与经济改革的历程   16-23       1.1 越南革新开放的背景   16-18           1.1.1 长期战争环境对经济的破坏   16-17           1.1.2 计划经济模式对经济发展的约束   17           1.1.3 政府经济决策的失误   17-18           1.1.4 国际因素对经济的作用   18       1.2 越南经济改革的历程   18-23           1.2.1 第一阶段 1986-1991:改革的起步   19-20           1.2.2 第二阶段 1991-1996:改革的深化   20-21           1.2.3 第三阶段 1996-2017:改革的平稳发展   21           1.2.4 第四阶段 2017-2017:改革的最新发展   21-23   第二章 越南经济改革的主要内容   23-29       2.1 以农业革新作为改革的突破口   23-24       2.2 以工业革新作为改革的攻坚战   24-25       2.3 以外向型经济作为改革的方向   25-27       2.4 以社会主义定向的市场经济作为改革的目标   27-29   第三章 越南经济改革的成就与不足   29-37       3.1 越南经济改革的成就   29-32           3.1.1 经济实力迅速增强   29-30           3.1.2 对外贸易不断扩大   30-31           3.1.3 人民生活显著改善   31           3.1.4 市场经济体制初步确立   31-32       3.2 越南经济改革的不足   32-37           3.2.1 基础设施建设滞后   32-33           3.2.2 产业结构不甚合理   33-34           3.2.3 经济发展不太平衡   34-35           3.2.4 贫富差距现象严重   35-37   第四章 越南经济改革的启示   37-43       4.1 改革是社会主义发展的动力,妥善处理经济改革中的各种关系   37-38       4.2 发掘内部资源,动员内部力量发展社会主义经济   38-40       4.3 适应全球化趋势,越语论文题目,充分利用国际资源   40-41       4.4 坚持社会主义方向,走本国特色的社会主义道路   41-43   结语   43-44   参考文献   44-49   致谢   49-50   附录(攻读学位期间论文目录)   50  
