
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南留学生“比”字句偏误略论An analysis of the errors of the "ratio" of Vietnamese foreign students




The paper contains a total of 4 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, important when it comes to topics of reason, research ideas and methods, research scope and research object. The second chapter is about the relevant research of the "ratio". Like from the angle error of "Bi" research has Xu Zhuoyu "Korea student than the sentence error analysis, Liu Hongjuan" of students studying the comparison sentence error analysis ", Xiao" Vietnam Chinese Mr. compared the error analysis and acquisition order assessment ". But the true to Vietnam to stay in the "than" sentence error analysis is simply not. The third chapter and the fourth chapter are the main content of this thesis. In the third chapter, the classification of the "ratio" of the Vietnamese students in the scale of my study is significant. The four major errors are errors of the "ratio". I found a total of 223 errors, in which the highest error rate is the highest of the conclusions, accounting for 39.01% of the total error. Secondly, the error of the comparison is also very high, reaching 32.74%. Row in the third is the comparison of the word error, accounting for 19.73%, the first is the "than" words of the misuse, accounting for 8.52%. The four major categories of errors in the above, but also a small class of errors dividend. The most prominent is that in the conclusion of the items inside, Mr. Vietnam often put the "very" added, while the application of the "than" the situation in the denial of the situation is often biased. Mr. "than" sentence errors happen reason and teaching strategy chapeau to stay in the fourth chapter Vietnam, Vietnam the reason for committing such problems is because they are Vietnamese mother tongue of negative migration, excessive generalization of the target language, also is due to their learning strategies is undeserved, often used and simple method to avoid and other materials with writing is also related. Some of the materials are not clear, there is no phase, and even take the wrong example of the price of the house, Beijing is much more expensive than other cities. (Yang Cuntian "Chinese growth - higher Chinese" Beijing University Press.). Secondly, for these reasons, I put forward the "ratio" of the teaching and learning of the proposal. From the aspects of textbook writing, I think there should be a systematic, phased, and should be of a period of time. From Mr., I suggest learners should have a positive attitude to learn, to be good at the thinking, to have the energy of "fools", any do not understand the question to ask Mr. may ask the Chinese people. From the teacher's point of view, I think teachers need to have capabilities of energy, ceaseless effort, make up the common sense, to others has a discussion of the results generated may learn. In addition, the teacher should be hard to understand Vietnam about "than" what aspects of words, slip match? To prediction errors, to find some way to deal with. Let's master the application of the Chinese word "ratio". The innovation and lack of place although Vietnam comparison sentence partial error research papers comparable to many, but the real to "than" sentence error study hardly, most of the eve is Chinese and Vietnamese compared sentences comparative study perhaps Vietnam analogy error research, these errors to the enlightenment the very big effect.

