
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南东方民办大学师资管理探讨A study on the teachers management of private universities in Vietnam




In 1989, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Vietnamese authorities introduced the policy of the government to promote the social and education of the system of the national system of higher education. In July 1994, the Vietnamese people do Western University by teaching the training department audit, formally established. Reality has proved that this policy is an accurate choice of the Vietnamese authorities on the promotion of advanced education, consistent with the reality of Vietnam's national education. Later, private college education is becoming a citizen education system in a certain position to teach the occupation. Today, Vietnam plain nearly run university system of teaching task of governance in accordance with the national university teaching forms of governance to stop running. But plain near the office of University and the National University match, two not the same place important representation in civilian run university teacher troop management training. Research method: Western Plain nearly run the number of university teachers troops increased, quality promotion, number of nothing more than a teacher is still lacking, teacher troops nor Qu Heng, and faculty to has not arrived at the school happen the teaching reform of the scale. The school has adopted some measures to respond to the teacher's troops, such as: teachers employ the system including the division of tasks, control, appointment, supervision, evaluation, training and other projects, and establish a good policy implementation. In the past, the school management methods of the teachers have summarized the previous management experience, but the results of the school management task in the implementation process is not very good. The teacher management methods need to overcome many hardships, and the formation of this kind of difficult reason is many, but the important source of the teacher's objectivity. Through to the western plain nearly run university existing forces teachers to the task of governance status of investigation and comparison of foreign management research, this paper for the school actual situation proposed to teacher troops five governance opportunities: Faculty institutions foster (the number of teachers, quality management and), Faculty hired and application management, teacher teaching, teacher training management, institutional support and perfect. In addition to the above five treatment methods, the author of the Vietnamese authorities, Vietnam teach training department, western plain nearly run university proposed civilian run university teachers of the task of governance policy recommendations. This article from the western plain nearly run university status start, the joint school teach policy, make the proposal for the school growing with a big feasibility.

