
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

Abstract:Nansha-island are biggest group of island in the south china sea,The navigator thinks that it are dangerous area for a long time, few ships pass there. my ship voyage is in Hong Kong with Malaysia because the reason of the goods conveyance, Designed four route for can crossing south sand islands through earnest research data. Through Practice examination that route can guarantee the ships the safety completely and obtain the economic performance.

引言:1南沙群岛的特点 南沙群岛位于北纬03’36’一21057’,东经109‘06‘ 一117050’之间,越语论文题目越南语论文,南北宽约50() n mile,东西长约530n mile。已被发现的岛屿、沙洲、暗礁和暗沙共230个,范 围大、岛屿多、分布广。大部分岛礁由珊瑚构成,并且低 岛是南沙群岛岛屿的主要特征,海拔3一礴
