学会怎样说泰语 地道的泰语[泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

Learn How to Speak Thai Like a Native 学会怎样泰语,就像泰国人说的一样地道

Since I was born outside the US, I still speak English with a little foreign accent. I spent good money with a speech-language pathologist and they help me reduce my foreign accent satisfactorily. I feel that the technique that they use can be applied to Thai language as well.
Here are some suggestions:
•Watch the mouth movements of native speakers! Observe the mouth movements of native Thai speakers. Repeat what they are saying.
•Ask someone! Make a list of frequently used words that are difficult for you to pronounce and ask a native speaker to pronounce them for you. Record these words, listen to them, and practice saying them.
•Listen to books on audio! Listen and read at the same time. Record yourself reading some sections of the book. Compare the sound of your Thai with that of the speaker.
•Pay attention to ร, ล and ตัวควบกล้ำ (Consonant Clusters).
要注意这几个音ร, ล 和 ตัวควบกล้ำ (辅音连缀)
•Pay attention to tones.
•Compare Thai consonants and vowels to English equivalence. Remember, there is no ‘v’, ‘z’ and ‘th’ sound in Thai.
比较泰语中辅音和元音和英语相同的地方,记住在泰语里没有v’, ‘z’ 和 ‘th’
•Read aloud! Read aloud in Thai, such as a novel or the newspaper, for fifteen to twenty minutes each day. This will help you strengthen the mouth muscles that you use when you speak Thai. Research has shown that it takes about three months of daily practice to develop strong mouth muscles for speaking a new language.
•Listen to yourself! Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation mistakes. This is an excellent exercise because it will help you become conscious of the mistakes that you are making.
•Be patient! You can change the way you speak but it won’t happen overnight. People often expect instant results and give up too soon. You can change the way you sound if you are willing to put some effort into it.
Finally,you have to remember, Study Hard And Make Progress Every Day.——The chairman Mao,(The people`s republic of China)

