
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

成年泰语母语者汉语认读能力作用因素探讨Study on the factors affecting the reading ability of Chinese adult Thai native speaker recognition




The influence factors of the cognitive components in the acquisition of speech are always the research hot in the acquisition of speech. This paper to Thailand university student in Chinese language learners as subjects, a variety of applications talk cognitive test obligations collected quantitative data, and the data coherence and regression analysis, to influence on Chinese language for EFL adult learners of Chinese character recognition reading speaking ability identity to stop the business volume. Based on the results of the data analysis and discussions, this study obtained the following important conclusions: (1) Chinese speech understanding in tones, Chinese initial consonants and vowels of Chinese understanding component of their Pinyin recognize reading to have more significant effect of speculation and medium Chinese tone is the most important guess identity. (2) rapid naming ability and Chinese Orthographic Awareness of their Chinese character recognition reading to has a more significant effect of speculation, and Chinese speech recognition and character visual skills of Chinese words they recognize read to guess and weak effect obviously still need to further hone. (3) the relationship between Chinese phonetic recognition and reading ability is very weak, and the relationship between the two kinds of Chinese characters is absolutely independent. (4) Chinese speech understanding the growth sequence of each component for tone recognition earliest growth and the earliest mature, followed by the vowel and consonant recognition, initially know the tenor and the speech understanding components between absolute independence. In summary, adult Thai native speakers in the language acquisition process, the talk cognitive components development trends and characteristics, comparing with the existing research in Chinese speaking children Chinese acquisition process or foreign language acquisition process, both with the discipline, but also for adult foreign language learners. Chinese speech understanding of growth on adult Thai native Chinese learners of Chinese pinyin to recognize and read to grow has main effect, but the in the browse Chinese basic ability, word recognition and reading, but its influence is not big; Chinese orthographic awareness makes the mother tongue of adult Thai Chinese language learners of Chinese character recognition reading to grow to have positive stimulative effect; and rapid naming to can as hone adult learning Chinese the Chinese recognize and read to state a useful target; adult Thai native Chinese learners of Chinese speech understanding each component of the growth order and Chinese speaking children growth sequence divergence. The conclusion of this study can not only promote the understanding of the cognitive characteristics of adult learners in the lower stage of Chinese, but also provide reference for the teaching design of Chinese international education. At the same time, the test of this study, for the special for adult Chinese learners of cognitive characteristics of the need for the study of the need to provide a.

