
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰语定语语序异同及泰国学生汉语定语习得探讨一以清迈皇家大学二年级教育班为例The modifiers in Chinese and Thai language differences of the word order and Thai students Chinese attribute acquisition research in Chiang Mai Rajabhat University education classes in grade two, for example




Thai and Chinese in Sino Tibetan language family, is to two speak have many in common. For example: Thai important syntactic constituents word order with the Chinese is the same, is subject before the predicate, object after the predicate; Chinese and Thai are lack of shape change of words, tone, rich measure words and content words is an important means of grammatical relations. However, Thai and Chinese there are also differences in the place. For example: difference between modifiers and the intermediate language status between Chinese and Thai, Chinese and Thai language many attributes of the breakdown of order differences. Bring great influence this difference to Chinese learning beginners. In this paper the author in three speak Theory: is learning to speak real, actual interlanguage, error analysis theory for basic research, collect and Polish language in Chinese and Thai comparative study of coherent data, and to Chiang Mai Rajabhat University second grade teachings do to carry on the investigation, the desire of Chinese teaching has sponsored. This paper is divided into seven chapters: the first chapter is "Introduction", mainly introduces the topic, the research object and the actual reason scale, research methods and research according to the pace. The second chapter introduces two important Chinese language can act as attributive components, and a two language can act as attributive words and phrases. The third chapter in Chinese and Thai modifiers ingredients stop comparative analysis, put forward Chinese attributives in Chinese and Thai word order characteristics, multiple attributives in Chinese and Thai disaggregated order and of multiple attributives in Chinese and Thai breakdown of order made a comparative analysis. In the fourth chapter, Chinese and Thai structure auxiliary comparative study, it is suggested that the similarities and differences of structure auxiliary words in Chinese and Thai language modifiers logo features and usage of the two languages. Chapter 5 Thailand pure students in learning Chinese attribute of the emergence of error and the reasons, this chapter of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University majoring in Chinese language teaching do second grade teacher to carry on the investigation. First chapter six, the Thailand Chinese teaching in the teaching of the attributive problem proposed relevant countermeasures and suggestions for teaching, in order to Thai Chinese Polish language teaching supply some practical and actual reference according to, in hopes of Thailand pure learning Chinese and Chinese as a foreign language teacher has sponsored.


致谢   4-5   摘要   5-6   Abstract   6-7   目次   8-11   第一章 绪论   11-18       1.1 探讨范围,探讨措施和探讨意义   11-13           1.1.1 探讨范围和探讨意义   11-12           1.1.2 探讨措施和步骤   12-13       1.2 泰汉定语探讨的理论依据   13-18           1.2.1 对比略论理论   13-15           1.2.2 中介语理论   15-16           1.2.3 偏误略论理论   16-18   第二章 汉、泰语能充当定语的成分   18-33       2.1 汉泰语中的定语充当成分异同略论   18-26       2.2 定语与中心语的意义关系   26-32           2.2.1 限制性定语   26-29           2.2.2 描写性定语   29-32       2.3 本章结语   32-33   第三章 汉泰语中定语的位置与语序异同   33-52       3.1 汉泰语中词序的排列和定语位置特点及习得略论   33-38           3.1.1 汉泰语中词序的排列对比略论   33-35           3.1.2 汉泰定语位置的特点   35-36      汉语定语位置特点   35-36      泰语定语位置特点   36           3.1.3 泰国学生对于定语位置的偏误   36-38       3.2 汉泰语中多项定语的语序异同及习得略论   38-51           3.2.1 并列关系的多项定语   38-42      并列关系的多项定语中“的”用法   39-41      并列关系多项定语的排列位置   41-42           3.2.2 递进关系的多项定语   42-48      递进关系的多项定语的排列次序   43-48          汉语递进关系的多项定语的排列次序特点   43-46          泰语递进关系的多项定语的排列次序特点   46-48           3.2.3 汉泰递进关系多项定语的排列次序比较略论   48-50      汉语递进关系多项定语的排列次序   48      泰语递进关系多项定语的排列次序   48-50           3.2.4 泰国学生在汉语多项定语学习中的偏误略论   50-51       3.3 本章小结   51-52   第四章 汉语和泰语定语的标记形式比较   52-82       4.1 汉泰修饰语标记的用法特点   52-66           4.1.1 汉语修饰语标记“的”的用法特点   52-57      必须带“的”的定语   52-55      不能带“的”的定语   55-56      可用“的”也可不用“的”的定语   56-57           4.1.2 泰语修饰语标记的用法特点   57-66      表示领属的结构助词用法   58-59      表示性质或区分的结构助词用法   59-62      中心语与定语之间不加结构助词(?)outi、sing、an的规律   62-66       4.2 汉泰定语结构助词对比略论   66-81           4.2.1 必须带“的”的定语   66-72           4.2.2 不能带“的”的定语   72-75           4.2.3 可用“的”也可不用“的”的定语   75-81       4.3 本章小结   81-82   第五章 泰国学生在学习汉语定语时出现的偏误及其原因   82-94       5.1 被调查者个人情况   82-83       5.2 问卷调查的内容由三大部分组成   83-93           5.2.1 选择题   83-86           5.2.2 填空提   86-89           5.2.3 判断正误并对错误的题目进行改正   89-93       5.3 本章小结   93-94   第六节 汉泰定语教学的建议与对策   94-97       6.1 加强汉泰语对比略论,将对比准则贯彻到整个教学活动中   94       6.2 遵循由简到繁、由易到难、循序渐进的教学准则   94-95       6.3 使用最合适的汉语教材   95-97   第七章 结语   97-99   参考文献   99-106   附录   106-109   作者简历   109  
