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资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

This paper takes Thailand Rai Mian language (hereinafter referred to as "Thailand Mian language") as the research object, from the description of the grammar analysis evaluation criterion, the fundamental practical application of ancient speaking science, and traditional grammar research paradigm, the comprehensive application of field survey method, description method and statistics and other methods, the output from the original data, real rich collection, and this is basically the grammar structure in Thailand and compare the characteristics of Mian language system, comprehensive and profound synchronic description and analysis. Cross border research of Thailand Mian language, the present result is less, it is very urgent and need description and discussion. The research significance lies in 1, help to deepen the mian language grammar is face familiar with; 2, to help Miao Yao language grammatical typology research and text research provides true grammatical analogy and apply information; 3, is conducive to the research of cross-border talk, especially language and social studies civilization of different countries under the background of the grammar structure feature has certain value. The main content of this paper is the introduction of the first chapter. This paper introduced the research object, content and research significance; the practical guidance, his research methods and data origin. This chapter also discusses Thailand Mian clan society has carried on the brief explanation of human outline, introduced briefly the application of Thailand excellent geographical distribution, history of Mian family history and migration, economic civilization, religious ceremonies, surname and clothing, ethnic relations and social civilization and writing and talking. The second chapter studies in Thailand Mian language. Recall the descendants of Thailand Mian family social civilization and speak of the status quo, a brief evaluation on Mian language in various aspects, and then summarizes the research of the characteristics of Mian language. Third chapter voice system. Describe the basic characteristics of Thailand Mian language speech, analyzes the initials, finals and tones and syllable structure type, the type, discipline and phonological language environments. The fourth chapter wordformation and loanwords. An analysis of the word formation rules and loanwords. Describes the mian language pure words and word decomposition, containing compound and additional etc.. In addition to borrow a large amount of Thailand Mian language of ancient Chinese words, also borrowed Thai hybrid application. The origin and application of Loanwords in Mian dialect loanwords introduced department, to carry out more detailed analysis and elaboration. The fifth chapter lexical category. There are eleven sections of Thailand, nouns, pronouns, numerals, Mian language quantifiers, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, Interjections and other auxiliary, stop in detail, introduces the grammatical features and syntactic projections of the effectiveness of the lexical category. The focus of the assessment of nouns, pronouns and lexical category belongs to open quantifiers, adjectives and verbs and adverbs of lexical category, belong to close conjunctions, prepositions and auxiliary verbs. The sixth chapter. The ten phrase Mian language description, namely parallel phrases, Polish phrase, subject predicate phrase and verb phrases, the number of phrases, verbal phrase and phrase, make up the range phrase, appositive phrase and phrase language. Analyzes the grammatical and semantic relations of the phrase structure; parallel phrase sort items by prosody; compare the modifiers between before and after the two order of semantic and grammatical differences. Seventh chapter sentence elements. A comprehensive description, analysis, as the main predicate and object, and the like, to complement other syntactic components to unit, and analyze from the angle of semantics of the syntactic component further. Eighth chapter sentence patterns. The assessment of Thailand Mian language sentence and. The sentence contains the verb predicate sentence, word description predicate sentence and nominal predicate, and contains no subject, ellipsis and single sentences. The complex is divided into combination of sentence and compound sentence two. According to the semantic relations between clauses from the perspective of the combination of the sentences into compound sentences, complex sentences, complex sentences and explain the progressive selection of five kinds of sentence connection. The partial sentence is divided into a complex sentence, complex sentence, complex sentence, premise assumption, causal complex sentences and complex sentences target six types of chain. The ninth chapter special sentence pattern. This chapter takes the special situation on that Thailand Mian language sentence specific and existential sentences, active sentences, sentences and even compare predicate sentence, sentence processing, topic sentences and double object sentences and other rare sentences were stopped the examination and elaboration. Tenth types of sentences. Based on the tone of the sentence of Thailand Mian language sentence type research and description, namely to Chen, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence and sentence with four types. From the perspective of the form, semantics and the tone of the four types of tone to do a further breakdown. This paper pointed out that the Thailand Mian language mainly monosyllabic words, there are many syllable words. Wordformation still preserved "Polish morpheme / noun morpheme" noun "status of morpheme / description speech morpheme" composition description and other characteristics. Vocabulary reaction in politics and economy, science and technology, culture and education and many abstract concepts of vocabulary for Chinese loanwords, there is Thai department. The number of new words in Mian dialect, multi ethnic morphemes inherent morpheme and morpheme words from the old layer. From the words of the stack, in addition to verbs, adjectives and quantifiers can be stacked, nouns can also stack to stack single syllable noun noun time stacking and the Department as a quantifier. From the order of Thailand, Mian language is SVO speaking,

