
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国汉语教育多元特性略论一以泰国智慧学校为例Multi characteristics of Chinese education in Thailand a case study of Thailand wisdom school




The domestic Chinese teaching status control has a positive effect to promote domestic Chinese teaching career growth in the long run. In Thailand, the Chinese teaching of the rapid growth of tomorrow, the status of its teaching education has also produced a great change. The diversity of the teaching situation of the teaching situation has promoted a major feature of Chinese teaching in Thailand. Diversity is one of the basic attributes of the natural world and human society, and it is one of the basic attributes of the natural world and human society. To understand this feature, you can help us to master the current situation of Chinese teaching in Thailand, useful for the long-term growth of Chinese teaching. To understand domestic teaching situation facing the diversity, the difference between the results of Chinese international education career development important task. The diversity performance on domestic Chinese teaching, few scholars dedicated deep investigation and analysis. Is in this paper aims at through the process of investigation and study, the diversity of teaching Chinese in Thailand to stop is discussed and analyzed, the importance of "diversity" to desire to cause Chinese instructor, objectively treat the diversity of interests, the identity of the beneficial application and implementation of, and pay attention to the adverse element, find out useful countermeasures, to promote domestic Chinese education towards a useful bias towards growth. Combined in Thailand smart schools of teaching theory, through the process of query visits, interviews, teaching experiments, a variety of methods, brings together the schools of the relevant information and materials, and to stop the rectification and attributed. Separation of teaching conditions, teaching subject and teaching process diversity has carried on the elaboration, objectively show the schools of Chinese teaching situation, and joint of second language acquisition, cross cultural diplomacy and other practical knowledge, analyzes the influence of diversity of Chinese teaching further review the debate constitute the reason of diversity and bring the advantages and disadvantages and provocative, and proposed own opinion and the suggestion. The Thai Chinese teach multiple grade stop comment debate, showing the Thailand Chinese teaching of the new situation, to unique angle of view to review the Thailand Chinese teaching existence question, has certain practical significance and theoretical value and of the overseas Chinese teaching career growth has a positive impact.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   一、绪论   7-15       1.1 选题背景   7-8       1.2 “多元性”界定   8-9       1.3 探讨目的及意义   9-10       1.4 国内外探讨近况   10-12       1.5 探讨措施   12-13       1.6 论文框架及内容   13-15   二、教学条件的多元性略论   15-24       2.1 教学设施的多元性略论   15-19           2.1.1 智慧学校教学设施的基本情况调查   16-17           2.1.2 教学设施的多元性对汉语教学的作用   17-19       2.2 教材的多元性略论   19-23           2.2.1 智慧学校汉语教材的基本情况调查   20-21           2.2.2 教材的多元性对汉语教学的作用   21-23       2.3 本章小结   23-24   三、教学主体的多元性略论   24-37       3.1 汉语教师的多元性略论   24-29           3.1.1 智慧学校的汉语教师基本情况调查   25-26           3.1.2 汉语教师的多元性形成的原因   26-27           3.1.3 汉语教师的多元性对汉语教学的作用   27-29       3.2 学生的多元性略论   29-36           3.2.1 智慧学校的学生基本情况调查   30-33           3.2.2 学生的多元性形成的原因   33-34           3.2.3 学生的多元性对汉语教学的作用   34-36       3.3 本章小结   36-37   四、教学流程的多元性略论   37-47       4.1 教学计划的多元性略论   37-40           4.1.1 智慧学校中文教学计划的调查   37-38           4.1.2 教学计划的多元性对汉语教学的作用   38-40       4.2 教学活动的多元性略论   40-43           4.2.1 智慧学校汉语教学活动的调查   40-42           4.2.2 教学活动的多元性对汉语教学的作用   42-43       4.3 教学测试的多元性略论   43-46           4.3.1 智慧学校中文教学测试的调查   44-45           4.3.2 教学测试的多元性对汉语教育的作用   45-46       4.4 本章小结   46-47   五、结语   47-49       5.1 泰国汉语教育多元性的原因   47       5.2 多元性对泰国汉语教育事业的作用   47-48       5.3 如何应对泰国汉语教育的多元性   48-49   附录   49-50   参考文献   50-53   致谢   53  
