
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国学生汉语礼貌用语调查略论A survey and analysis of Chinese Polite Expressions in Thailand students




Polite language is one of the words that people often use in daily life. Learn to speak more than a few will learn to speak of civilization, but also can be said to speak with the background of civilization. In recent years, the global Chinese fever is aggravating, the world more and more people are learning Chinese, Thailand is no exception. The study of Chinese Thailand students are more and more, but to control the situation of Chinese people is not pessimistic. Is a special courtesy including civilized significance is easily slipped on premises Thailand students. Is based on the Thailand students courtesy application abnormal meaningful. His thesis research is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, here talked about the descendants of polite expression research, materials in China and Thailand materials and their research scale and research methods. Comparison of the second chapter in Chinese and Thai courtesy, here comes the polite dictions in Chinese and Thai similarities and differences, it is important to include in daily life often use Chinese and Thai language politeness and application situation and contains call language, grateful language, compliment, declined to language, language of apologies and so on. The third chapter of the Thailand students by investigation and analysis of Chinese politeness cavity. Important content is in accordance with their own design Thai pure in the daily lives of differences in the case of application of polite dictions in Chinese investigation questionnaire results to analyze, and to identify the error. In the fourth chapter, Chinese polite language teaching suggestions, here puts himself in a with foreign language related proposals, including: teacher, learning and teaching suggestions. The content of the fifth chapter is the conclusion of this paper.


摘要   6-7   Abstract   7   第一章 绪论   8-14       1.1 选题理由   8-9       1.2 探讨目标及内容   9       1.3 汉泰礼貌用语探讨综述   9-13       1.4 探讨措施和语料来源   13-14   第二章 汉泰礼貌用语的对比   14-29       2.1 汉语礼貌用语的分类及使用情况   14-20           2.1.1 招呼语及使用情况   14-16           2.1.2 感谢语及使用情况   16-17           2.1.3 恭维语及使用情况   17-18           2.1.4 拒绝语及使用情况   18-19           2.1.5 道歉语及使用情况   19-20       2.2 泰语礼貌用语的相应分类及汉泰差异   20-29           2.2.1 泰语招呼语及汉泰差异   20-24           2.2.2 泰语感谢语及汉泰差异   24-25           2.2.3 泰语恭维语及汉泰差异   25           2.2.4 泰语拒绝语及汉泰差异   25-26           2.2.5 泰语道歉语及汉泰差异   26-29   第三章 泰国学生汉语礼貌用语调查及略论   29-60       3.1 泰国学生使用汉语礼貌用语调查问卷设计情况   29-31       3.2 调查结果及略论   31-48       3.3 泰国学生掌握汉语礼貌用语的情况   48-52           3.3.1 汉语招呼语   48-49           3.3.2 汉语感谢语   49-51           3.3.3 汉语恭维语   51           3.3.4 汉语拒绝语   51-52           3.3.5 汉语道歉语   52       3.4 偏误与产生偏误的原因   52-60           3.4.1 语际偏误   53-54           3.4.2 认知偏误   54-56           3.4.3 文化负迁移   56-58           3.4.4 训练不当引起的偏误   58-60      教师方面   58-59      教材方面   59-60   第四章 汉语礼貌用语教学的建议   60-64       对课堂教学的建议   60       4.1 对学习者的建议   60-61       4.2 对教师的建议   61-62       4.3 对教材的建议   62-64   第五章 结论   64-65   参考文献   65-67   附件   67-78   致谢   78  
