
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国学生HSK五六级难度跨度略论策略Analysis and Strategies of the difficulty of HSK five or six level of students in Thailand




Abstract: along with China's economic power and comprehensive national strength promotion, career of Chinese civilization also for the global done methodically, the Confucius Institute in the world sprout, nations learn Chinese number rises ceaselessly, adding the number of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) also subsequently increases ceaselessly. Victory in the development of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK), not only to the Chinese civilization victory to a mark of the world, but also in terms of foreign language teaching in China, one of the most serious attainments. In recent years, research on the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) are accustomed to, in this paper, on the basis of author in Thailand Manson de Shopaa the Royal Normal University in the Chinese examination management and HSK test pointing task experience, through process and Thailand students communication and of Mandarin test proved that some inquires the visit discussion, invented some achievements, this article the HSK level 5 and level 6 span hinder the difficulty of analysis and put forward coping strategy. Through the process of questionnaire survey, the existence and the research of this achievement are obtained. Via the process of HSK four or five and five or six levels of comparison, highlighting five or six level of test span difficult to cross the new year night, according to the results, the author from the Chinese classroom teaching and special guidance put forward feasible strategy, and hopes this paper can to Thailand pure students deal with the future of the HSK level five or six test his own role and application value. In addition, but also to future go to Thai volunteer teacher in HSK special guidance teaching has certain applicability, there are certain enlightenment in Chinese Teaching


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   1. 引言   9-10   2. 泰国学生HSK五六级跨度难度问题的提出   10-12       2.1 问题的提出   10       2.2 调查问卷略论   10-12   3. HSK五六级对比   12-22       3.1 HSK四级和五级对比略论   14-19       3.2 HSK五级和六级分项对比略论   19-22           3.2.1 词汇量对比   19-20           3.2.2 听力考试部分   20-21           3.2.3 阅读考试部分   21           3.2.4 写作考试部分   21-22   4. HSK四五六级之间对比略论   22-23       4.1 数据略论   22       4.2 分类总结   22-23   5. 在泰汉语课堂教学方面的应对策略   23-31       5.1 日常汉语课堂教学的应对策略   23-28           5.1.1 汉语听力课教学策略   23-24           5.1.2 汉语阅读课教学策略   24-26           5.1.3 汉语书写课教学策略   26-28       5.2 突破HSK五六级跨度难度专项辅导应对策略   28-31           5.2.1 突破听力障碍的专项辅导   28           5.2.2 突破阅读障碍的专项辅导   28-29           5.2.3 突破写作障碍的专项辅导   29-31   6. 结语   31-32   7. 参考文献   32-33   8. 致谢   33  
