摘要:泰国的有机农业开始于1991年,在亚洲算是开始有机农业较早的国家,在有机农业的发展方面具有其独特的经验,中国有机农业的发展起步于20世纪90年代中后期,泰语论文题目,现在已取得了一定的成绩,并仍处于逐步规范、快速发展阶段。同为亚洲开展有机农业较早的发展中国家,泰语毕业论文,认真借鉴泰国发展有机农业的成功经验,对积极推动中国有机农业的发展具有重要意义。 Abstract:Organic agriculture in Thailand began in 1991, is the beginning of organic agriculture earlier countries in Asia and in the development of organic agriculture has its unique experience, the development of organic agriculture in China started in the late 90s of the 20th century, has now been made certain achievements, and is gradually standardized, rapid development stage. With the development of organic agriculture in the early developing countries in Asia, the successful experience of the development of organic agriculture in Thailand, and actively promote the development of organic agriculture in China is of great significance. 引言:泰国位于亚洲中南半岛中南部,全国总面积约51.3万km2,地形以平原为主。常年气温在19~38℃,年均气温约28℃,湿度变化为66%~82.8%,属于热带季风气候。泰国总人口6474万(2017年底统计数据),农业人口占总人口的55%,其中种稻米者占30%,约2000万人,其余为渔民和果农。作为传统农 |