摘要:正 他是备受泰国人民崇敬的朱拉隆功国王的儿子,泰语论文题目,又是深受当今人们爱戴的普密蓬·阿杜德国王的父亲;然而他之所以享誉泰王国,是因为他作为一名医生、教育家和科学家,为事业奉献了自己毕生的精力。他英年早逝,但却永存于泰国人民的心中。他就是被人们尊称为“泰国现代医学之父”的玛 Abstract:He was the son of Jura Ron Kama king of the people of Thailand, and was the father of the king of Bhumibhol Adu, who was loved by the people of the world, but he is known for his life as a doctor, educator and scientist. His untimely death, but forever in the hearts of the people in Thailand. He was known as the "Thailand modern medicine" the father of Ma 引言:的衣饰剥度为僧,时年 玛希敦亲王殿下于 他是备受泰国人民崇敬的朱拉隆功国王的儿子,又是深受当今人们爱戴的普密蓬·阿杜德国王的父亲;然而他之所以享誉泰王国,是因为他作为一名医生、教育家和科学家,为事业奉献了自己毕生的精力。他英年早逝,但却永存干泰国人民的心中。他就 ,泰语论文范文 |