摘要:泰国曼谷地区经济发展迅速,对能源的需求日益增长。这关于泰国电力总署(简称EGAT)来说,是机遇更是挑战。因为征用土地建设新的变电站及获得新的输电线路架线权(简称R/W)越来越困难和昂贵,因此EGAT决定通过建设新的500kV双回紧凑型输电线路来提高现有的230kV系统的输电容量。 Abstract:The economic development of Thailand Bangkok area rapidly, the growing demand for energy. This for the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), is an opportunity and a challenge. Because the requisition land for the construction of the new substation and obtain new transmission line stringing in (R / W) is more difficult and expensive, EGAT decided to improve the transmission capacity of existing 230kV system through the construction of a new 500 kV double circuit compact transmission lines. 引言:1 曼谷现有的230kV系统泰国曼谷地区现有的输变电系统和泰国电力总署(EGAT)的扩建计划均要求将现有的230kV输电线路上的4条线路改造成500kV,泰语毕业论文,泰语论文范文,总长度达80km(见图1)。现有的230kV线路拥有40m宽的架线权(R/W),施工路线跨越农业、工业、商业和住宅区。EGAT以往规划的500kV |