
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23
摘要:正 近两年来,泰语论文网站,泰国经济发展稳定。去年,经济增长率为3。8%,人均国民收入831。6美元,在东盟六国中,分别占第三和第四位。预计,泰语论文网站,今年经济增长率可达5一7%,外汇储备将由目前的46。8亿美元增至50亿美元。泰国的经济结构正由以农业为主,逐渐向以出口制造业为主

Abstract:Is the last two years, Thailand's economic development and stability. Last year, the economic growth rate of 3. 8%, the per capita income 831. $6 in six ASEAN countries, accounting for third and fourth respectively. Is expected this year's economic growth rate can reach 5 to 7%, foreign exchange reserves from the current 46. 800 million dollars to 5 billion dollars. Thailand's economic structure is dominated by agriculture, gradually to manufacturing for export

