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基于语料库的泰语表“块”义量词探讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:李翼 陈丽真 LI Yi, CHEN Lizhen( College of International Education and Culture in Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, 541004, China )


出  处:《课程教育探讨:学法教法探讨》2017年第17期58-59,共2页

摘  要:量词是人类对物体数量的一个认知,泰语都可以对汉语“块”量词结构内的名词性成分进行计量或修饰。鉴于两种语言中量词“块”的地位和影响的不对等,以及语言文化社团间的异同,应用语言学的相关理论从现代泰语语料库中对量词“块”进行共性和个性特征的考察,泰语论文,进一步了解汉泰语中表“块”义量词的鸯厦楚争巳矛针螓胃学车母芦背景的认鲁方式异同,泰语专业论文,在对外汉语量词“块”的教学中提出建议。Chinese and Thai language all belong to Sino-Tibetan language family. And the measure word teaching plays an important and difficult role in Chinese teaching for the Thailand students. So this study analyzes the measure words "kuai"," Gaawn", " Phaen"," Pheuun" and "Baat" for nouns with higher error rate according statistics from two corpus in this two languages.This study tries to describe the measure words "kuai", " Gaawn" ," Phaen", " Pheuun" and "Baat" for nouns in common use fully in both teaching and studing according the Chinese and Thailand corpus, then we give some suggestions for teaching.

关 键 词:量词 习得偏误 块 
